Just A Normal Day In My Super Normal School

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Back to the present.

Sierra Lockeheart 

Only one with heart so pure, can seek him who is dark.

To his lair she seeks. To his heart she goes.

She is the only one who can stop the war.

But will she be able to take the darkness thats in his heart?

Or will it break her first?

I jolted up from my comfy bed cheking my surroundings to see if anyone else was in my room. I can still hear her soft, melodious voice playing in my head.

But will she be able to take the darkness thats in his heart?

Who is she talking about?

Or will it break her?

Break who?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. 

"Sierra, dear? Wake up, it's time for school! You wouldn't want to be late!" my mom said, not bothering to open the door. I was a werewolf after all, I have great hearing. 

"I'll come down in a few minutes mom!" I yelled back to her. 

I could hear my mother's footsteps drifting away as I grabbed my outfit for the day, which consisted of black skinny jeans with a comfy white hoodie, afterwards I took a shower and after a few minutes, came out. 

When I was halfway down, my phone started to vibrate so I took it out of my pocket and read the text. Hey, I'm off to Europe for the meeting with my dad.-Will

Already? - Sierra

Yep. He wanted it early because he told me he had something important to say and something important to show me. -Will

Aww. So you won't be in school today? :( -Sierra

Nope, sorry.  -Will

well anyways, have a safe fight. -Sierra

Thank you. -Will

"Honey, you better eat fast it's almost 7." my mother said as I entered the kitchen.

My salivary glands immediately watred as I took in the smelll of delicious food. "Mmm..Smells...so...good!" I exclaimed loudly. 

I started getting a few pieces of bacon and putting them on my plate, then, as I was shoving one into my mouth, the front door swung open to reveal none other than Nick Silverwood our beta. "Well, well what do we have here? Is that bacon I smell?" Nick taunted, taking a seat next to me.

Just as he was about to reach for a piece I slapped his hand. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" he said rubbing his hand. 

"Language please, Nick." 

"Sorry Mrs. Lockeheart." he mumbled angrily.

I smirked in triumph grabbing another piece. "Haha. It's mine not yours!" I said to him finishing off the last few pieces.

"Ah, worry not Nick, I knew you were going to visit so I made an extra batch just for you." my mother said pulling out another batch of delicious bacon.

Nick gasped dramatically before getting the plate from my mom. "Thank you Mrs. Lockeheart." 

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Afterall, you do always take care of little Sierra here," she said pointing a spatula filled with oil at me. "Now, hurry on to school now. We wouldn't want the two of you to be late." 

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