The Blood Pact

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Centuries ago, there was a war between the Werewolves and Vampires. There were allies, there were enemies. But mostly there was death. 






March 1920, In Alpha Blaine's Mansion


Alpha Blaine Lyburn 


"This war is getting worse and worse, what are we gonna do Alpha Blaine?"  My beta, Julius said taking a deep breath, as he continued to walk around my office warily. 


"For now, we must do what we can to prevent as much deaths as possible." I said meeting his tired, sad eyes.


He sighed and took a seat infront of me, "I know that but," he paused rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. "We also need a plan on ending this war."


"I know." I said, as I recalled all the events that happened these past few years. All the deaths. All the loved ones, gone. All the unborn children who would never be able to see the world as it is now. 


"But, how?" 


"If I may, may I suggest something?" My head shot up as I heard the door creak open, revealing the person who spoke. "I know that the Vampires are very stubborn, and very much indeed prideful," It was my mate, Elizabeth. "But, there is only one thing that can makes them weak, and that's losing a loved one." 


I sighed noticing the time. "Where is this going Lizzy? It's late and you should be in bed by now." 


Elizabeth gave a tired smile, as if it took so much of her energy to smile. That's how it is now, with the war and all, it's hard to find happiness, even for a fraction of a second. 


"So, I was thinking, maybe we could end this war. Not through violence, we've had too much of that." she offered. 


"Then how do you suppose we could end this war through those means?" 


"Through a Blood Pact." she said. "It's simple, it does not require any violence and it would end this sickening war." 

I thought about it for a moment, and it seemed like the logical thing to do. I was not saying it was a terrible idea, it was in fact a brilliant one. But that isn't the problem, the problem is, will the Vampires accept our reasons? 

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