Night night

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I left out the restaurant and watched all the cars behind us to be sure we weren't being followed by Andre,, the car ride home was silent so i decided to break it.
"Majestic I'm sorry I ruined your birthday I'll make it up to you I promise"
"Girl you good this was the best birthday ever you whopped that bitch but may I ask why she was disrespecting you"
"She's my ex friend guys babymama and she hates me for talking to him"
"Wow she's a bitter bitch I know one thing if she has some friends and they try to jump you I'm on that ass"
We all laughed then finnaly pulled up to the dorm after dropping majestic off at home I went in the room and took a nice warm shower then got ready for bed...royalty did the same.
I checked my phone and saw that i had 4 text messages and 5 missed calls.
Text messages
Ma dukes❤️❤️❤️- hey baby I miss and love you keep in touch.
Jaylen🙄-we need to talk ma I miss you so much...hmu so we can link.
Unknown sender- aye bitch this shit anit over I'll catch your ass lacking.
I assumed that text was Brianna
Andre💔😔 - don't forget what I said moni I know were your dorm is play with me if you want to but just know your forever mines❗️.
I replied back to my mom and Jaylen
Me- I love you too mom and I will❤️
Me- Jaylen I miss you too but I just can't you Fucked my best friend how could I forgive you for that?
I ignored Andre's text even though I'm scared he knows we're I'm staying and blocked Brianna number then put my phone on the charger I was going to get a restraining order on Andre tomorrow...I laid down and started thinking about Jaylen and went to sleep.

A DAY WITHOUT YOU🙃Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz