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After a much needed bathroom trip to clean up my runny makeup, I was escorted by a guard to the backstage. "Looks like you really enjoyed the show!" He joked. I let out a shy laugh in response " Still wondering why neither of the leading players got Tony snubbed." When the two reached the beginning of the dressing room hall, I spotted their Judas, Tony Vincent first whom I'd also befriended during filming when he was Simon. "Hey!!" he greeted ecstatically as I ran up and hugged him. "I loved your Simon, but you as Judas? Oh my god!!!" He laughed as he accepted my compliment. Just as I let go from our hug, I spotted Maya Days, their Mary Magdalene and ran up to hug her as well. At first I was a tad bitter about Maya since movie Mary, Renee Castle, whom I established a great friendship with, couldn't reprise her role because of Maya replacing her for the Broadway production. However, once I heard her rendition of "I Don't Know How to Love Him" during the JCS press rehearsal, I was surprised at how talented she was and realized why they chose her to join Glenn for Broadway. " You nailed it girl!" I beamed at her. " And I'm sorry of what I thought of you before the show premiered. I just wasn't ready to see the part done by someone who had already won me over." She accepted my apology easily, something else I grew to admire her for. "Alright little lady, Mr. Carter can see you know." I politely excused myself from Maya and approached Glenn's dressing room a bit too excitedly. Glenn was just stepping out of his dressing room as I continued my approach, freshly clean and showered from the stage blood. His face lit up as he saw me coming. " Rebecca, Darling!!" He cried as I ran up and and embraced him. We hugged on the spot for a few good minutes, lightly rocking side to side. His hair was still damp from his shower and his shampoo made it smell divine. I made sure his face was adorned with kisses before he brought me back in his dressing room and took me in his arms, on his lap.

Everything's Alright: A Collection of Glenn Carter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now