A Moment

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As the take five bell once again made itself heard, Glenn sunk to the floor of exhaustion, rubbing his eyes. As he laid there on the ground, he reached an arm out, beckoning me to join him, making a "come here" gesture with his fingers. I walked over, got on my knees and straddled his waist like a horse. He slightly shifted my sitting position with his hands to support me as my focus shifted to his captivating baby blues and golden curls. Time stood still as one hand went to stroke and explore his chiseled face and hair, while the other lightly roamed his arm. A cheeky grin and slightly muffled giggle peaked through as my thumb rubbed along his chin while the other fingers lightly tickled underneath. He took my hand and held it to his face. He pressed it to his lips and put it at the crown of his head. I lightly scratched at his hair and stroked his temple. His head tilted to the side, allowing me more access to his neck and collarbone. His hands began to return the favor and his knuckles glided up and down my arms. I responded by rubbing my hands up and down his pecs. His fingers ran through my hair and he cupped my face in his hands. He stretched himself out, raising his hands above his head. I raised myself off him for a minute as he sat up and pulled me in for a hug. One hand played with his hair while the other cupped his shoulder as he held me close but gently. My index finger twined itself around a curl then lightly unwinded. We came face to face our noses and foreheads touching, almost connected. I felt my breathing get
more tense as our eyes met. "C'mon, you can do this." I thought to myself. He's too beautiful to look away from! He tipped my head up by my chin and planted a light kiss just above my top lip. The sensation sent tingles. I quickly mirrored him just as the director returned. Back to places!

Everything's Alright: A Collection of Glenn Carter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now