Chapter 2: Captured & Tourtured

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The man named Sam sat down with his brother and started to talk to him. I didn't care about what they were talking about because of my food. I then heard the door open and saw two men who looked like models walk in. "Crap! Erasers. How did they track me?" I wondered. I looked down at my leg and saw a slight glow just under the skin. 

Of course the School would put a tracker in me. I created a knife and gently cut it out of my skin. I finished eating and walked over to pay when I heard a sickeningly sweet voice say, "Hey discord. Long time no see." I saw the three men look at me and saw the terror in my eyes. One of the Erasers pulled out a  gun and pointed it at the men. 

"I wouldn't." He said. The other one grabbed my arm ruffly and pulled me out of the diner to  push me into a van. As the two Erasers got in, one punched me in the face. "That's for killing our brothers! You Little Bitch." He said. The Eraser looked at the driver and said, "We got her. Let's get to the where-house." I was puzzled. 

Why take me to a where-house? Why not the School? After a three minute car ride we made it to the where-house. The two Erasers pulled me out and dragged me over to a chair. One held me down while the other one tied me to the chair. They both looked at me and smiled. 

"Why haven't you taken me back to the School?" I asked. One of the Erasers said, "You will be going back to the School. They just didn't specify what shape you had to be in. All they said is that they want you alive." He pulled out a blade and slowly drug it across my leg. 

I let out a light hiss at the pain. "Let's see if we can get you to scream." The Eraser said. He looked at his friend and said, "Go get the lemon juice and the salt." The Eraser left and went to go get the items. "Since we are going to be spending some time together, why don't you tell me your names?" I asked.

The Eraser said, "My name is Leo, and the other one is Allen. The driver's name is John." "Well Leo, if you want me to scream, you will have to do better then that." I said as I nodded to the cut on my leg. Leo looked at me with a wolfish smile and said, "We're just getting started." As his friend entered with the things he asked for. "OH shit!" I said.

 "OH shit!" I said

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