Chapter 1: Escape

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I stretched my wings and ran across the yard towards the fence. "You won't make it very far, Subject 18." A whitecoat said. I didn't say anything as I threw myself into the air and flapped my wings. My god, it felt good to be in the air. I looked down and saw an Eraser pull out a gun. 

"Don't kill her. Just make sure she can't fly." The same whitecoat said. The Eraser nodded and took aim. "OH HELL NO!" I yelled. I streaked out of there faster then I thought was possible. BANG! A bullet flew past me. Those idiots tried to shoot me. Well, they missed. HA! Take that.

I knew they would try to find me, so I decided to put some distance between me and the School. I pushed my wings as hard as I could so I could go as fast as I needed to. "Come on, Emma! Think! Where would Jeb take the flock?" I said out loud. I then felt my stomach growl. I jumped in mid-air. (Yes, it is possible to jump in mid-air.) "I'm hungry," I thought. "I need to get some food."


After a few hundred miles of flight, I landed in a town called, "Fort Madison." I spotted some cloths hanging on a close line and saw that they were my size. I grabbed them  and quickly changed. I then went looking for a place to eat. I passed by three men, one with a trench coat and the other two wore flannels. One was taller then the other two.

 As I passed by one of the flannel wearing men, I slipped my hand into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. I slipped it out and walked to an ally way and took two twenties from the wallet and then closed the wallet and ran to find the men. 

I spotted them entering a small diner and I ran up to them

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I spotted them entering a small diner and I ran up to them. "Hey, Mister! Did you lose this?" I asked handing him the wallet. The man looked at the wallet and then looked at me. "I didn't know I dropped it. Thank you." He said in a gruff voice. I gave a small smile and walked into the diner behind them.

I sat with my back facing the window at one of the booths. I looked at the board and saw the choices. I made my decision and waited to order. Then I heard the men talking in low voices. "Dean, I mean come on! She bumped into us and then just happens to 'Find' your wallet? It's not likely." The taller man said.

"I know it's not likely, but she didn't take the cards. She could have but she didn't. Nothing else is missing except forty dollars. I mean we lie for a living. Besides I don't want to talk to her about it." The one called Dean said. 

The third one looked at the other two and said, "Sam? Dean? She is listening." They looked at me and saw that I was looking at them. The waitress finally came over. "Sorry for the wait, What can I get for you?" She said. "I would like a grilled cheese, fries and a glass of milk." I said. As she wrote that down she asked, "Can I get you anything else?" "No thank you." I said 

 As I waited for my food I saw the three men order. I didn't care what they were ordering, so I didn't pay any attention to them. I contented myself to look out the window. I heard the bar stool where the men were sitting swivel so someone could move. I glanced over to where the men were sitting and saw the tall one move towards me. 

As the man approached, I got nerves. "Why is he coming over here?" I thought. The man sat down across from me and looked at me. I tore my gaze from the window and looked at him. "Do you need something?" I asked with a slight sneer on my face. The man looked slightly shocked at the way I talked to him. 

My sapphire blue eyes stared into his blueish green eyes. The man cleared his throat and started to speak, "My name is Agent Lockheart, and I would like to ask you a few questions." I stared into his eyes and tapped into a power that I hadn't used in years. I read his mind and new he wasn't an FBI Agent. "Your not FBI." I said. 

The man looked at me in shock. Just them my food came. I started to eat. I looked at the man and said, "If you don't leave me alone I will scream." The man still looking shocked nodded his head and got up and went back to his brother and friend. 

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