5. Just for a day

Start from the beginning

"But madamji, that sir said that he is Nirvana Bose's father!" gate keeper, Murari Singh, further argued.

"And you believed in his words? How reckless of you Murari!!!" I shouted the triple.

"Even Nirvana baby confirmed the same..."

"Nirvana? She is only in the nursery class and you are listening to her confirmations? You seriously need a lesson, Murari. Its high time I should talk with the principal... You have just crossed all the limits!!"

"Arey madamji..please listen to me first.." afraid of the principal, Murari started begging now.

"There is nothing to listen anymore! Its already too late...so just move aside.. let me go in."

God knew where and with whom my baby was. For now, I just hoped she was safe...atleast till the time I discussed the matter with the principal and reported a quick complaint to the police.

"Madamji... he said his name is Dev Bose and thats why.."

Wait. What? Dev Bose??
"Yes, that is my husband's name. And if anybody else comes up with that name, you would simply believe him, isn't it?" I rolled my eyes, showering him with all the fire I had stored in them.

"Madamji... I know it was my fault. But please, have a look at your home first.. who knows if your husband is really there in city?!"

Is it possible? Can Dev be really here in Mumbai??
"You want to waste more of my time?" I gritted my teeth in anger.

"No madam. I just want you to get back your baby.. as fast as possible." Murari replied helplessly.

"Just pray for that Murari...else you'll be in deep, deep trouble." I threatened him for the last time and went to my car to drive back to my home at the speed of wind if I could possibly manage that.


Some thirty minutes later I was finally there in my building, limping on the stair case (all thanks to the broken elevator) and cursing myself for being so late that some random man took away my baby from school, that too under the pretext of being her father!

How ridiculous!!

But what if that man isn't Dev? What will I do then? Where will I search my baby? Oh god, please help me...please.. be with my daughter atleast. She needs you, god... and so do I.
I continued murmuring as I pressed the calling bell for the nth time in just one minute.

"Nitara!" Ma opened the door. There was a happy glee on her face till now, but upon seeing my face all that happiness got evaporated away.

Am I looking that pale? Horrible? Scary?? Well, who cares!
"Ma.... has Dev come here? Do you know anything about him??" I shot my immediate question.

"Beta just come inside.." she was saying something but I didn't let her finish. All I wanted was an answer in 'yes' or 'no'. Any other explanation or divertion from my question was getting too much for me to bear.

"You are not getting it Ma! Coco is missing.. and the gate keeper of that school told that Dev was there to pick her up... you say now, Dev is not here right? Then how can he pick up my daughter? .... I was just a little late.. okay, was only half an hour late and that Murari.. he handed my baby to a kidnapper.. to a rogue... and now he is saying that he had handed my baby to her father. But I know right that it us not possible? I'm telling you Ma,  that Murari is playing games on me and I swear I won't leave him. I'll go to the police. I'll complain against him and I'll........."

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