SEVENTEEN-JUN:learning chinese

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Aauuuhhhh I seriously flunked the language exam. I was doing good on english. I wss doing good on japanese. I flunked a little on french but i got nice scores on Spanish. But just one hella language got me flunked up. CHINESE.

i mean who can blame me, i was born japan and my mother is korean and my father is french. But they rnded up giving birth to me in their vacation at japan.

I should have better grades on language because my parents are multilingual. But I never heard them speaking in chinese.

I sat there while it was still four in the morning. Only the security guard was there at school and me. Waiting for the other students to come i started thinking of how i will ever learn chinese. At least learn a little bit of it.

Then i got the idea. What about i asked that chinese boy. What was jis name again? I totally forgot. Oh yeah! Now I remember his name is minhao. Yeah that guy. I heard him and his friend is chinese. May e i should pay him to teach me chinese. That's a great idea.

Then one by one the classroom was slowly filled with students. Soon class was starting. As the teacher was teaching those none sense i already know i looked outside the window. Trees. Then I remembered. Maybe at lunch time i should ask him.

Since you were like the most famous girl in the school. More like a queenka I should say. All the boys keep on wisshing to be dating me or wishing for me to be theor girlfriends and stuff while all the girls keep wishing and keep on searhing on google on how to be me. More like almost everyone is dying to talk to me in person.

Finally the frickin teacher was stopped by the bell and all of us came running to the door to come out. While the teacher was just laughing at hoe her students doesn't want tk have classes.

I was heading to the cafeteria and on the way there the boys keep on staring at me and melting. When i arrived at the cafeteria I immediately was greeted by my best friend from the other class to ask me to sit with his friends which is quite a good chamce though.

I ran to them and on my way i heard a randome boy on one of the tables said" ohh i thought she finally noticed me " he said and i laughed at the thought that i always hreeted everyone but not everyone noticed it.

Then i arrived at their table. I sat ext to minghao and mingyu which was my best friend.

" minhao, can I ask a favor? " you said shyly and looked on your laps while fidgeting your finger. " yeah sure , what is it ? " he said while caressing your back to give you confidence.

" can you teach me chinese? " you said shyly while looking at him straight in the eyes with those cute ass face.

" yeah sure, just come to my house and also if you don't mind jun will come over for teaching as well " he said straight forward with his eyes glues to you. You simply nodded.

Later at minghao's house.

"Im here! " you said as you entered the house. " oh you mist be minghaos student, he's not here yet i asked him to go grocery shopping for dinner " his mom said. " oh its okay eommoni " you said and she smiled. " he'll be back at seven sharp, but you can go wait at his room with jun " his mom said and i checked my watch. Its still six seventeen.

I thanked his mom and went to his room just to be greeted by jun rubbing himself down. While slightly groaning he noticed my presence and let go of his manhood and went on normal mode.

Then he walked to my direction.
He apologized.
He kissed me on the lips.
He started carrying me to minghao bed.
We did it.

We were dressing up then suddenly someone said.

" wow, i think i like having you here more for teaching chinese" minghao said as he laughed with enjoyment while the two of us just laughed in embarrassment.

" but we're a thing now " jun said which made kinghao squeel.

The end.

Total number of words:

Sorry for making the smut stiff short because i was like hella busy and it's a monday today and i have back to school on wednesday so sorry.

Hope you guys enjoy the smuts.

BTS AND GOT7 AND SEVENTEEN SMUTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ