"Jeffery told my parents we got married." He looked down and sighed. "I'm just mad at him for opening his big mouth."

Harry stood and began pacing. "Baby love, Jeff didn't tell your parents, I did." My eyes widened. "I know you're upset but you were asleep and your dad called and it slipped out. He wasn't upset, just thought it was odd that you didn't say anything to him."

"And when exactly were you planning on telling me, I told you I was going to wait-"

"Marlene they're your parents they have the right to know this shit." He sounded a bit annoyed. "What, are you embarrassed to be my wife?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not, I just- I like having something between just you and I. I like knowing that you're my husband and I'm your wife and that's it." He shook his head. "I was going to wait because we're not going to have a wedding and- ugh Harry I just wanted to keep it a secret!"

"But why!"

"Because the second my mother knows something she'll ruin it for me!" He stared at me. "I can never have one good thing in my life because there she is to ruin it by telling me to be a certain way or do things differently. She shits all over anything I do."

"I'm sure that's not always true, if we invite her here and speak to her calmly I'm sure she'll understand." It was as if he's never met the woman. I wanted to prove something to him so I nodded.

"Fine, invite her here- in fact, invite my whole family and watch." I looked at the time and sighed, our little baby making process would have to be put on hold. "I'm going over to Liam's to plan a party with him."

"What about sex, I'm still kinda hard?" I walked over to him and grabbed his dick through his pants.

"Sorry daddy, maybe later." He pouted. "I wanted it to be nice and romantic, but I'm still mad."

"Take your anger out on me with sex." He pleaded. "Please, princess." My phone went off and I sighed.

"Later, I have to go." He sat down and pouted like a toddler. I sighed going over to him. "Fine, but I don't want you to cum inside of me if I'm technically mad at you." I poked his chest gently.

"Fine, I'll cum in your mouth, now turn around and bend over the bed for daddy." I suddenly felt the pooling between my legs and knew his words alone could get me off.

I leaned over and was caught off guard when my skirt was lifted and my thong was pulled down. His hand came down on my ass and I moaned. "Fuck yes daddy, spank me for being a bad girl." He chuckled before his hand came down slightly harder. I wanted him to be more aggressive but he just wouldn't do it. "Please daddy harder."

Again his hand came down but it wasn't enough. I stood up and turned to him pulling him close to my face. "I can't Marlene." He shook his head. "I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"But you won't, I promise, please I just want your hands all over me and for you to choke me and call me names-" He shook his head confused.

"What the fuck, since when has that been a thing?" I rolled my eyes. "What kind of names, like a slut?" I bit my lip nodding. "You want me to call you a slut and choke you like one while I fuck you." I nodded sitting back on the bed while I undid my shirt and threw it aside. "What if I hurt you a princess?"

"You won't, I'll tell you if it's too much and I would never be mad at you if you spanked me a little too hard or something, we learn from it. Please daddy, I know it turns you on, look how hard you are." I ran my hands to his pants and began touching him over the fabric. I ripped his shirt off and ran my hands over his chest. "I wanna kiss you all over and take my time but I don't have any time to do that." I pouted.

"I can't put my hands on you like you want me to, I already do it enough." He suddenly spoke up. "I'm sorry but I can't, and if that turns you on, then we'll have to compromise somewhere." His voice sounded panicked and I noticed he seemed frightened.

I put my arms around him and quickly kissed him on the lips. "Hey it's okay, I like when you make love to me too remember." I kissed his nose before pulling him down to the bed. He seemed very cautious as he made love to me on the bed, gentle and patient also.

He pressed kisses all over my neck and breasts, gently sucking in my nipple while teasing my clit until I came hard around him. He held my hands gently kissing them like I was fragile. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you, please cum inside of me," I whispered to him. He kissed me harder filling me as he finished. He fell on me and I was tempted to call Liam and tell him I had car trouble and wouldn't be able to go over.

So I did.


The next day I woke up around five in the morning to go pee when I could hear Ollie crying. I washed the sleep out of my eyes and went over to his bedroom where he stood at the edge of his crib and cried gently. It wasn't tears of a child who was hungry or needed a change, it was sad tears. I turned the light on and sat him down on my lap. Usually, when he was hungry he would suck his thumb but he just looked away.

"What's wrong honey, do you want cuddles." He sniffled looking down and it made me worry. I grabbed his ducky and brought him to the bed with Harry and I. Harry was still sleeping but when Ollie saw him he immediately reached for him. I set him on the bed and Ollie quickly crawled over to him waking up Harry.

"What's going on?" He looked down and Oliver just stared at him and began crying again. It was odd to see him like this.

"He woke up crying, but he doesn't need a changing. I'm gonna go make him a bottle." He nodded sitting up and looking at Ollie. When I came back Ollie didn't want his bottle and just kept holding on to Harry.

"Daddy has to use the bathroom baby." He set him down but he just started crying again. I picked him up but he pushed me away catching me off guard. Harry used the bathroom and came back quickly sitting down to hold Ollie.

"He didn't want me to hold him," I said trying not to look like it affected me, but it did.

"He's just being a grumpy baby, once he's fully awake and sees you he'll want mama cuddles." I smiled and nodded laying down again. Harry held him for a bit and laid him down between us to sleep. I shut the light off but the light from outside gave away my frown. "Baby?"

"I'm fine, he's just never pushed me away like that." He reached over and gently stroked my cheek. "I'm fine," I said again trying to believe myself.

It was just one time.


Thanks for reading. Xx


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