Looking for cure

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Rose pov.

"Ok.....where is it?" kelly said

"This library is so big we can't find it in a minute it will took us a day to find it.." Carly said

"There's more time before the classes sta--" Rose was cut of when the bell ring

"Start. ......" Rose continue

"Let's go" Carly said

at the art class

"Welcome class today I want all of you to paint your favorite animal more animals more grade you get" Professor Beauty said

"Our family always get a high grade. ....so we have to make it good and more animal....don't forget about the snake. ..hihi" Carly whisper on Rose

"Of course" Rose said

a few minutes later

Travis draw a bear

Astoria draw a dog mouse and butterfly

Shawn draw a lion

Ling ling draw a dragon

Hawk draw a owl and mouse (you know what its mean)

Joy and Esquire draw a frog and flies spider

Carly and Kelly draw a snake mouse lion bear frog chicken owl dog cat dragon

"Ok I finally know who will get the A+" Professor Beauty said

"It's me and my team right?" Astoria said

"It's Kelly and her twins" Professor Beauty said

"What?!.....it can't be" Astoria said

"Yey" Carly and Kelly said

"Ok classes dismiss" Beauty said and they all went out

"Their so talented" Odette said in her team

"Yeah" Gerald said

"Why them we did it vey well" Astoria said trying not not to be mad

"They paint so many animals with a beautiful action" Joy said

"Let's go on the another class" Ling ling said

at the singing class

"Good morning students I have a challenge the regal team have to sing some song you have to defeat them" Cinderella said

"Yup......it's going to better with Rose" Hawk said when Rose hear it she said in her mind....

I'm sorry Hawk I need to keep this as a secret first I promise I will tell it at the right time Rose said in her mind

"I and my sister will fight" Carly said

"Well this is going to be tough" Travis said to Astoria

"Bring it on" Cinderella said

"Why you choose that song?" Cinderella said

"I sing that song is for our missing friend" Astoria said

"Great choice" Cinderella said

"You ok Kelly?" Carly ask

"Yup........I feel that in my heart" Kelly said

"You twins go on" Cinderella said

"Why you choose that song?" Cinderella ask

"I sing this cuz I'm the one who is missing and my friends miss me so much specially all the thing that we do we fight together helping each other specially when I'm the one who is in danger they will do everything to help me" Kelly said

"That's so sweet just like the regal team they did that with Rose too" Kelly said

"Who is she?" Kelly pretend

"My long lost granddaughter who got kidnap by the Snow queen she sacrifice her self " Cinderella said

"I'm sorry" Kelly apologies

"It's ok well it's time to reveal who is the winner the winner is......the Medusa!" Cinderella said and they all clap for them

That's it for today guys anyway you can give me an idea for my next chapter hope you like it see ya

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