Falling inlove with a wrong prince

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Hawk pov.

"What is it?" Hawk ask....and they all stay quiet

"The Angel of darkness is...." Travis said and look back on Hawk

"Is what?!" Hawk ask trying not to get mad

"She is Rose....Hawk" Travis said and Hawk make a shock face and almost fell down and his flashback/dream on the snow kingdom came to his mind

"So that's why she always dream about us and herself" Hawk said and they all nod

"If I meet the Snow queen I won't change my mind to turn her into stone" Carly said and every one eye's get big just like first time seeing a unicorn (A/N this part make me laugh)

"Rose is so power she became a Angel of darkness" Ling ling said

"Ling ling is right we can't save her and we try to all of the cure we know but it's doesn't work" Joy said

"Did you guys try the true love kiss?" Hawk ask and they all turn their head to Hawk

"You guys look creepy specially carly...but Hawk is right we didn't try the true love kiss" Fala said

"The Angel of darkness is not accepting a kiss" Snow White said

"She is Rose she not a real Angel of darkness" Shawn  said

"You got a point Shawn" Astoria said and make Shawn blush

"So what's the plan?" Esquire ask

"We have to torture Rose" Fala said

"I can't do that" Hawk exclaimed

"That the only thing we have to do" Fala said

"Fala is right" Carly said

"How is that going to work?" Ling ling ask

"I'm going to convince her" Hawk said

Snow kingdom

Kira pov.

"Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!" Kira scream so loud and every one rush through her

"Kira what's wrong?!" Andrew ask

"Hawk escape!" Kira said pointing to the cage a jumping a little

"You act like Ruby" Snow queen said

"Whoever that girl is I agree with you" Angel of darkness said

"He use something or he is quite stong to break the door" Bella said

"I agree" Angel of darkness said (A/N again)

"Can I go somewhere?" Angel of darkness(A/N did you notice she act like a baby)

"Go on" Snow queen said and Angel of darkness fly away

at the forest

Regal team pov.

"So Hawk are you sure you can convince her?" Astoria ask

"Yep" Hawk said and a shadow of human bird came out of nowhere

"Huh?what's that?" Shawn said

"Let's check iit out" Ling ling said and they all nod when they see it's landed they hide under the bush

"It's Rose" Joy said

"It's our chance" Travis said but Hawk already came through her

"Hawk?! Hawk?!" Travis said

"Hey!" Hawk said

"Huh?...what are you doing here?" Angel of darkness ask

"What to hang out somewhere?" Hawk ask and the Angel of darkness get shock but the regal team didn't here anything

"Why you ask?" Angel of darkness ask

"Nothing...I'm bored waiting for Rose and my team doesn't even help me to find her" Hawk said

"You like her not me and if you want to see her again go find her!" Angel of darkness said with a wicked look

"You make a wrong choose......SNOW MAGIC!" Hawk cast the spell and but someone block his magic

"Huh?" Hawk and Angel of darkness said

"Don't you dare to hurt her...CRYSTAL MAGIC!" Andrew blast his magic to Hawk

"Let's go and help my brother" Fala said and they came out

"What the who are you?" Andrew said and Angel of darkness back off all the way through him

"Their are the regal team except for that shake girl and the blue haired girl" Angel of darkness said whole point to them

"My name is Fala Snow White granddaughter of Snow White and I'm Hawk big sister" Fala said

"My name is Carly Medusa granddaughter of Medusa" Carly said

"Thank for introducing your self but we don't have a time for that....let's go" Andrew said and they flew away

"Drop me there" Andrew said and they landed on the top of the mountain

"Thank for saving" Angel of darkness said thankfully to Andrew

"Nah.." Andrew said and Angel of darkness sit next to him

"I see your kinda over protective to someone else" Angel of darkness said

"Just protecting the most beautiful girl I ever seen in my entire life" Andrew said and Angel of darkness blush a bit

"Thank" Angel of darkness said while playing with her hair and covering her face

"Don't hide your beautiful face" Andrew said

"Stop doing that" Angel of darkness said

"Why should I?" Andrew ask

"Nothing" Angel of darkness said

"Then I won't stop" Andrew said and she role her eyes

"Hey mind if I do this" Andrew  hold her chin and let her look at his face

"Do the what?" Angel of darkness said

"This" Andrew said and give a small peck on the lips 
"Whay the~~~~~~~~" Angel of darkness said slowly

That's it for today guys sorry if its short and I'm starting to hate my self cuz of this and btw do you guy's starting to hate Andrew? cuz me yes I do well that's it and see ya

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