সাত 7 সাত (UPDATED 12/17/2023)

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How is it possible to fall for someone you don't really know? Indie was baffled by that question all day. Madeleine Carruchi called her to work as an assistant for the day. Even though Indie loved painting all day, she had to pay her bills. This required that she work as a freelancer and pick up side jobs occasionally. Today she was a personal assistant. She worked for Madeleine on some interior design projects in the past. Everything she did made Madeleine "Oh" and "Ah". Madeline spoke so highly of the talents that she was never at a loss for side jobs. Rule of thumb in Manhattan, dazzle one socialite and you could be set for life.

Madeleine Carruchi was a name brand within itself. She designed artistic spaces in multi-million dollar commercial and residential buildings. Listed as one of New York's top interior designers, Madeleine was highly sought for her ability to revive any space. The way she utilized color, fabrics, and shapes could breathe life into a dead space. Many people believed she possessed magic powers.

She loved the image that people created so much that she never dispelled the rumor. She actually encouraged it. Her illusions image was her brand. She was very intelligent. Madeleine trademarked her brand and made sure to copyright anything dealing with her work or her original creations. She wrote four bestselling novels and made a life for herself as an illusions artist.

Indie loved working for Madeleine. She was always exposed to very prominent people, which led to more lucrative side jobs. Indie was fighting herself. She could not stop thinking about Vijay. She didn't realize that she had completed an entire set of romanticized scenes of Vishnu aka Krishna and Yumuna aka Kalindi. In one scene, Krishna was sitting beside the Yamuna River loving stroking the water and staring into its depths. One of the pictures reflected the avatar Krishna playing the flute and the Yamuna River responded as the waves rippled in response to the flute. Another picture depicted the avatars Krishna and Kalindi locked in a loving embrace in the clouds. The last picture she drew was of Kalindi doing austerities to Vishnu as he lovingly looked down admiring her from the heavens.

"Indie, darling. What are these?" Madeleine asked with utter joy and excitement in her voice. Indie looked at her as if she grew three heads. She had no idea what Madeleine was going on about until she walked over and picked up the pictures Indie had drawn with colored charcoal pencils. They were warm and vibrant. The colors jumped off the page and held the view of the onlooker. They were nearly three-dimensional. Indie looked at the pictures in complete shock and awe. She couldn't even recall drawing them. Vijay was all she could see in her mind's eye. The pictures were so amazing, they nearly frightened her.


Madeleine had a big project coming up and she was struggling to tap into the source of her creative abilities for an idea. Some inner voice encouraged her to contact Indie Gray. Whenever she worked with Indie, a strange power stoked her creative fire. Anytime she needed a transformational ambiance, Indie was the person she called. Madeleine knew that Indie was unaware of her true powers. She was an ambassador of life. Even though Indie was extremely talented, she was unaware of her true talents and her true power.

"Indie, you must allow me to use these." She said as she grabbed the drawings and placed protective paper between each of them. Madeleine placed them in a protective portfolio and handed them back to Indie.

"I have to check with my friend before I use these. They will be part of an exhibition." Indie replied.

"Indie, please. I have a project that would truly benefit from these. I can understand if you have a prior commitment, but I would really appreciate it if you will allow me to use them," she purred as was her manner of trying to encourage people to give her what she wanted.

"Just let me call him and I'll let you know momentarily."

Indie took out the card Vijay gave her and called him for a consult. She figured he would better understand the drawings. Before she gave permission to use them, she wanted to be sure they didn't hold any major significance. The phone rang and on the second ring, she heard his beautiful rustic voice.

"Hello, Indira." He always forgot to call her by her nickname.

"Hi, Vijay. I hope I'm not bothering you?" She inquired.

"No, I was actually thinking of calling you. It seems you read my mind," she heard a slight chuckle.

"I have something very important that I need you to see. Is there any way you can meet me. I drew something that it is quite astonishing, and I have someone who is interested in using my work for a project. I didn't want to commit to something without consulting you first." Indie explained. There was a brief pause.

"I would be honored to assist you. I am a little surprised that you thought to call me for my opinion." The shock in his voice was easily discernable. Indie wasn't sure why she called Vijay, but she felt that all matters pertaining to these types of artwork should be consulted with someone who understood the significance of this genre of art.

"I know this is important to you. I love art and I would never want to be inconsiderate after you poured out your heart to me about the importance of Hinduism to your people." A carefully spoken explanation was in order. Indie had no desire to do anything that was counterproductive to his vision. What they had discussed at the hotel touched her on a different level. She wanted to do the exhibition. After much thought and meditation, she realized that this may be her calling. Indie text him the address and waited the hour for him to leave work early to assist her.

Madeleine was chomping at the bit. Never was there any hindrance of request she made from Indie. She hoped whoever was on the way would not prevent her from acquiring the pictures. Pacing back and forward, she began to get angry. As soon as she decided to reason with Indie about the drawings once more, her client walked into the office.

"Mr. Chaudhuri, what a pleasant surprise. I wasn't aware we had an appointment today." Madeleine oozed sweetness as Vijay walked into the office. Indie didn't understand the level of Vijay's social status until she saw the demanding and eccentric Madeleine reduced to a puddle in his presence. It hit her in an instant that Vijay was an extremely wealthy man. Not only was he wealthy, but he was also a highly sought-after bachelor. Women on Madeleine's level of success were rarely moved by married men. They wanted rich arm candy to dangle in their friend's faces. They didn't want to hide their affairs. The social statement that went along with dating a very wealthy and powerful bachelor increased a socialite's appeal to others.

The mesmerizing Indian dreamboat walked up to Indie with a smile that could melt an iceberg. He gently took her hand and kissed the palm of her hand. Every time he kissed her hand, she felt a spark of fire. Indie unconsciously leaned toward him. Her eyes closed briefly and as soon as she realized what happened, she righted herself.

Madeleine witnessed their response to one another and her mouth froze. She was in complete disbelief that such a successful and powerful man was literally in the palm of Indie's hands. She was so shocked that it took her several minutes to gather herself.


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