The Banshee's Scream... What Have I Done?

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I sat there in terror. Everything was in mid-air, and so was I. "STILES!" I yelled. I instantly heard running and Scott was at the door.

"Oh my god! Aira? What the hell?" He yelled. The second he stepped foot in the room he was lifted into the air. "What?" He jerked around trying to get back to the ground. "Listen, Aira just calm down." He began to speak softly as tears ran endlessly down my face.

"Where is Stiles? I need Stiles!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My accent had quickly faded over night. I could see light coming from the window, but not even the sunlight calmed me.

"Um... Okay, please don't freak out. But.... we don't exactly know where Stiles went." Oh no, I could feel the fright and anger growing.

"WHAT?" I yelled and everything moved. Things with sharp edges pointed towards Scott and I had no control.

"What the..." Lydia stepped in. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"The ground shook and suddenly, every thing grew black.......

(Heehee... An other plot twist. I swear none of these ideas are planned I just kinda think as I go. If i'm writing it means my ideas are flowing. Sorry if some in the future are short. Love you loves:))

"Ow. My head." I sat up holding the back of my neck. it felt like I had been hit by three semi-trucks. "What happened?" I shook my head to make my sight clear. I was still in Stiles' room. I looked around and my gut wrenched, but I really lost it when I saw Lydia hung over a body near the door way. "L-Lydia?" I slowly began to crawl over to her.

She looked at me and her face was streamed with smudged mascara and eye liner. "He's... he's..." She couldn't get it out.

As I crawled over slowly I said shakily, "Please tell me it's not...." I cried out and covered my mouth with my hands when I saw him. Every inch of him was cut or scratched. There were shards of glass inside his skin, screwdrivers, scissors, even small thumb tacks... were all embedded in his skin. There was one knife... Oh the place it chose to push itself into. The knife was straight through his heart. "S-c-o-tt?" I whispered, my breath catching in my throat with every letter I spoke. I looked up at Lydia. "I-is he..." She shook her head yes and my heart broke. "Was th-this... m..." She looked at me with a particular look on her face and I knew.

Suddenly I wished I was at the edge of the earth so that I could walk off and be punished for my doing. My heart ached with guilt and terror as I looked at his defiled body. His head laid against the cold wood floor, his eyes closed forever. I deserved to be dead for what I had done. "I..... What have I done?" I cried out. I looked out the window at the sky that mocked me with it's beauty, on the day that my ugliest memory would be created. I stood and sobbed a moment, then I could hold it in no longer.......................... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed out and the ground shook hard. I dropped to my knees once it stopped. I looked to my left and saw a mirror. My face looked back... No not my face. The face of a monster. I pushed my hand towards it and it shattered. I stood, and my tears instantly stopped. I looked down at Lydia. "Tell everyone........... I am so..... so sorry." With that I left. Not an other word, not a single syllable. I looked at the ground as I walked through the hallway and down the stairs straight past John. I looked at him and looked down. Just before the door there was an other wall mirror. I shattered it as well, and swore to myself that I would never look upon an other reflective surface again. I couldn't bare to see the face that had shed the blood of one of my dearest friends.

*One Week Later*(Scott's Funeral)

There was a picture of Scott just in front of the coffin. I stood in the shadows behind the trees. In the chairs I could see many people grieving. It was all because of me. I looked at the first  seat if the front row. It was Scott's father, a man I was not very close to, but he was Scott's father and for the first time out of the years and years that I had known him.... He cried. The next seat was Melissa. She was absolutely hysterical. I looked at the coffin and saw my beloved friends body. But I did not cry. I was unable to cry. I simply whispered, only loud enough for few to hear me, "I'm so sorry." Then I turned and left. I could never be seen here again. I vowed to be a ghost. Lurking forever in the shadows of Beacon Hills. Never to feel emotion again... For my emotions died with my friend, my dearest... beloved, alpha friend. Scott McCall.......

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