...Something New...

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I jumped out of the bed waking Stiles. "It was just a dream. It was just a dream." It was still pitch black outside as I held my hair in my hands pacing back and forth in his room.

"Aira?" Stiles sat up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?" He stood up and grabbed my shoulders making me stop. The moonlight shone on the both of us and I looked down so he coudn't see me cry. He lifted my head by my chin and looked deep into my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just had a really, really bad dream." I cried. He pulled me towards him and held me tight in his muscled arms. He definitely was different than when I left. He was always the scrawny, queasy kid between all of our friends. I simply couldn't believe that he was now a big strong werewolf. "Stiles I..." CRASH! The window shattered and Stiles' eyes grew wide, then they filled with pain.

He looked down and his stomach was bleeding. He held a shot wound that gushed blood and he began to stutter. "W-wolfs... b-bane. Th-the Calaveras ar-are h-here." With that he fell to the floor. Looking like he was having a seizure, I screamed for his father.

"JOHN!" I screamed as I held Stiles in my arms. " I jumped up and looked out the window. Behind a few trees I saw a figure. I narrowed my eyes and suddenly I could see in the dark. It was a woman, an old woman. She looked at me and smiled, mouthing the words 'you're next'. I stepped back from the window. John rushed in the room.

"What happened?" He dropped to his convulsing son.

"I don't know! All he said was wolfsbane and Calaveras. Then out there I saw an old woman with a rifle, she said I'm next." I looked at him.

"Holy crap, Aira! You could've told me you were a wolf too." WHat!

"What do you mean?" I looked at him confused.

"You're eyes! There glowing blue!" I jumped as he said it and looked in the mirror. Oh my god! My eyes... they were glowing blue! A dark, deep blue.

"What the hell?" I stepped back.

"S-Scott." Stiles pleaded. Yes of course! I grabbed my phone and dialed Scott's number.

"Aira?" He answered groggily.


"What is it?" HE asked sounding awake now from my screams.

"It's Stiles. He was shot! He said wolfsbane, then Calaveras and then asked for you!" I yelled. He hung up and five minutes later he was in Stiles' room.

"Stand back." John and I stood up and backed away. I grabbed onto John, seeing he was almost like my dad. Scott pushed his fingers into the wound and dug around. Soon he pulled a shiny bullet that had small drops of a blue-purple liquid left inside a clear compartment of the bullet. "You might not want to look." He advised.

But I couldn't help it. I saw him him bite over the wound, and little by little he drained Stiles' blood spitting it into a bowl he ordered John to grab. The blood wasn't only red, but mixed with the blue-purple liquid like from the bullet. It took twenty minutes until the blood became only red again. "There." Scott said coughing slightly. Stiles had passed out around the five minute mark from loss of blood. I wrapped his wound in gauze and we all helped to pull him back into the bed.

As he laid there unconscious I looked at him crying still. Only now they were tears of joy. "What's wrong, he'll be fine now Aira." Stiles asked wrapping one arm around me and squeezing me a little.

"It's just. I thought I was going to lose him. You saved him. I guess you can say these are tears of joy, and thanks." I wrapped my arms around his neck and crushed him mercilessly. "Thank you so much Scott."

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