Saved by a werewol... Stiles?!?

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Airas POV:

I was so happy to be back in Beacon Hills. It was still early in the night and I had just finished unpacking. Dean, my boyfriend, had left a few minutes after meeting my old friends Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. Oh the times we all had when we were younger. Like the time we were running through the forest and the boys caught me just before falling to my death over a cliff at the edge of the forest

Funny, those idiots have saved my life and almost killed me so many times. Like today, Stiles hit me with his jeep. I wasn't injured but hitting my head.

"Where'd your man go ,Aira?" My dad asked sounding annoyed. My father hated Dean. He said he was way too old for me, and called him a 'freak of nature'. Personally I was getting tired of Dean's act too, but I loved him.

"I don't know he just..." I was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the screen of my Galaxy S5, "It's Dean." I answered.

"Hey b****." Oh no. He's drunk again. "Come pick me up and bring a hundred buck to pay for my tab." I rolled my eyes. Oh we are so done, tonight. I hung up and walked out the door. He texted me the address of the bar he was at. It was just barely dark and I could see Stiles and Scott walk out of Stiles' house. I might have, slightly, kinda begged for the house closest to Stiles' as possible.

"Hey Aira! Where are you going?" Stiles asked as they both ran to catch up to me. I was searching for a hundred dollar bill in my wallet at that moment.

"I gotta go pick up Dean from the bar and pay his bloody tab." I looked at him, he could tell I was annoyed. "He's been like this ever since he turned 21." I  continued along side them.

"Mind if we walk with you? We gotta go to the store and buy some new chains and padlock." Wait, what?

Stiles' POV:

Crap did I just say that? I gotta save my ass but I don't know if I can lie to her. "It's for... Scott's dog. Pit bull, breaks chains easily." Yes nice save.

"Oh, I see." Stiles was acting a bit off today. "Yeah, I could use the company. Besides, we have loads to catch up on." ....

*One Hour Later* Aira's POV:

Scott, Stiles, and I reached the bar laughing and smiling. That was the first time in forever I had actually felt like I belonged. "What the hell are they doing here?" I heard Dean's drunken, angry voice call out. He walked up to Stiles and got in his face. "What the hell do you think you're doing with my girl?" He slapped him. Stiles bent over and stayed there a minute.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on him." I looked at Dean sternly. He looked back at me and snarled. "We are leaving. Thanks for walking with me guys." I pulled Dean by his arm and he yanked from me. We walked silently for around 45 minutes until we reached the edge of the forest.

"Who do you think you are telling me what to do!" Dean yelled pushing me into the trees. Picking me up off the ground and throwing me farther each time he screamed at me. "You belong to me! You answer to me! NOT ME TO YOU!" His eyes no longer looked like, Dean, they looked like a killer. "I told you the last time what would happen if you crossed me!" He shoved me down again causing me to hit my head on a rock. He then threw punches all around my body.

I could feel my skin ripping in many different places as I screamed in pain. He continued his punching and clawing spree for at least 20 minutes. Then I was in real trouble, he pulled out the pocket knife I bought him last Christmas, boy was I regretting it now. In seconds he had it shoved into my left side and I screamed like a banshee. I looked up at Dean's face and he looked like he was in pain. We both slowly looked down at his stomach..... There were claws stuck through it. Blood started slowly spilling out of his mouth. I couldn't move.

His body was then thrown at least a hundred feet away and instantly attacked by who or whatever was with us in the forest. I stood as I watched the man-like figure ripping Dean to shreds. I started slowly backing up, not the smartest idea.

There I was in the exact same spot as four years ago where I fell off the cliff. As I backed up, one step placed my foot on the edge and the loose dirt fell the 200 foot drop and I fell of the side of the cliff. I closed my eyes, then felt myself stop midair. I was dead, there was no other explanation. I opened my eyes and saw that I in fact hadn't fallen to my death, but was caught. I felt a crushing grip on my wrist. I slowly looked up and was startled by what I saw.

Glowing yellow eyes, razor sharp, sparkling white fangs, and the face. Was it.... no it couldn't be.....

Stiles' POV:

The full moon was out and I was chained up in my basement. Pain coursed through me as I transformed into my half wolf state. Oh the pain and agony! Then I heard a sound that pierced not only my ears, but my heart as well. I heard Aira. She was screaming in pain. Someone was hurting her, and I could good as hell guess who the criminal was. I heard her continue screaming, then suddenly stop. NO!

I pulled hard on the chains that restrained me, soon they broke and I was free. I ran lightning fast through my house and onto the streets heading to the forest. I was there in maybe two blinks of an eye. I coulldn't control myself, before I could think my razor-like claws were dug into the back of Dean and pushed all the way out his stomach. I stopped for a few moments and realized what I had done. Then I saw Aira against a boulder with a blade inside her ribs. I would have no remorse fpr what I was doing to Dean. I picked him up over my head and flung him over a hundred feet away. At his side in one second I began ripping and tearing at his flesh. He was torn to bits in seconds.

A single sound then pulled me to the edge of the cliff catching Aira just before she fell the 200 foot drop. This brought back a memory from when we were about 13 years old. Aira looked at me and I was disgusted with myself. She saw me, my eyes glowing, fangs out as well as claws. She looked terrified and amazed at the same time........

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