Chapter 22

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[FROM: unknown] [05:48am] Is this Bob?

[TO: edgy emo child] [07:23am] no

[TO: edgy emo child] [10:12am] the name's Lance ;P

[TO: edgy emo child] [11:05am] Keith?

[TO: edgy emo child] [11:06am] it's the handsome dude from the train. Lance.

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:18pm] Sorry, was asleep.

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:18pm] So you are Lance.

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:22pm] yep. the one and only~

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:23pm] just what do you work as that you're literally always asleep?!

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:23pm] I have night shifts at the gas station. I usually get off work at 4am.

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:24pm] And then I sleep.

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:24pm] bruh. life's hard i s'pose.

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:24pm] so i take it you're very good at pumping gas~

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:25pm] Um. I'm average? I'm behind the register, not out there pumping gas for anyone.

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:26pm] dude you just ruined the pick up line.

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:26pm] boooo

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:26pm] What?

[TO: edgy emo child] [01:27pm] ...i'll call you. are you free right now?

[FROM: edgy emo child] [01:28pm] I guess...

Lance didn't even think twice about it: he clicked on Keith's contact name and pressed the call button. The phone hadn't even had the chance to ring properly yet when someone picked up. He couldn't help the way it made him grin, even if it got him raised eyebrows from Hunk and Pidge across the cafeteria table.

"Hi," a breathless, deep voice greeted him. Giddiness spread through Lance and he leaned a little more into the phone.

"Hello there, Keith. So, what do you say - was the present worth a donut?"

"...I still think you're selling yourself short. It's two at least."

Keith was smiling, he could hear it in his voice.

Lance couldn't judge though, really. He was too.

handsome dude from the train // klanceWhere stories live. Discover now