I can do it myself!

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So you are pretty capable of making the book covers yourself and you've discovered a wealth of those good cover making sites. But everywhere you seem to go they tell you that you need to pay for these extra features and blah blah blah and all that jazz. 

But that's just screwing with your creative flow because you want that premium feature but you can't have it. So now you have like multiple accounts on each website to make up for the loss of the other one.

Well let's say I have a solution to your problem. Yes! Yes I do. And no I'm not punking you. But how? Well it does require you to do something though but it doesn't involve opening up your wallet and swiping your credit card.

Now if you already know this then you can move along, no need to be shocked or anything. 

Okay so the site that I use is PicMonkey. Yes I know what you're thinking. (Big deal! I use that too. Who doesn't?) But you can get the premium features for free by doing either of the following

1) creating an account on Muzy.com or

2) using this website address:- http://muzy.com/app/picmonkey

PicMonkey gives you various picture selection options. Such as using Facebook photos, images on your device, a direct webcam selfie, Google images on the app or using a link from any other site. So you have an expanse of options and it doesn't limit your content. 

So now you've completed your cover and happily used premium features for free you need to download the image. Now the first time I did this I totally lost my photo because there is no download button, only Save and it doesn't save to your computer but rather your Muzy account. 

Now, you don't have to make an account if you don't want to but it certainly helps because you can go back an easily re-tweak the image.

So the problem is saving your finished product to your PC. All you need to do is hit save and then a share option would pop up. It gives you the option to save the image to twitter or Facebook. I'd recommend Facebook because it automatically creates a Muzy album on your profile and you can download the picture from Facebook later. 

Or if you don't want to share it to Facebook, or don't have or want to make a FB account the you can just by pass the share option by clicking the "X" close button and you should then see your image. Now all you do is right click on your mouse and click the "Save image as..." or "Save as..." option.

Okay,  I use Windows 7 so if your PC says something different then... Sorry I guess.

Tell me if this article helps and if you got through. Happy PicMonkeying!

If your stuck then comment down below and I'll walk you through it. Let me know if you want a walkthrough video so you can see how to do it.

Well that's pretty much it! I hope PicMoney or Wattpad doesn't sue me for giving out that information. 

Let me know how it turns out in the comment section below.


As of late (2016 +) Muzy.com is under new management therefore the site is currently being reconstructed hence the features mentioned in this chapter may or may not apply when the site relaunches. Thanks for under standing.

On a side note PicMonkey is still thriving and usable. In order to use Premium features however you'd have to pay. 

**End of Disclaimer**

Design a Book Cover?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz