Help Me!!

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Good! So we've read the disclaimer and you've reach thus far so it would mean that you want or have a book cover I'd have no problems agreeing to.

Let's start with the busy bees first. That is the people who might not have much time on their hands to create a cover.

What I'd need to know before I make your book cover :-

1) Your title. (Now I'm not going to change your title but shorter titles tend to work best — just saying)

2) Your pen-name. (Or the name you want to add on your book cover.)

3) A short summary of your book. ( I reiterate, SHORT summary of your book. If you already have your book published then I'd read the first few chapters to get an idea of the gist of the story but I'd prefer the summary)

4) Any additional thoughts. (This is optional. You can specify the colors, fonts, or type of picture you want on your book cover. I'd try my best to in  incorporate them. Or if you have a poem, song, or picture you want me to use as inspiration I'd accept that as well.)

You can PM me the information on Wattpad or e-mail me the pictures (if any) at :- 

*P.S. Now don't go randomly e-mailing me pics and IDK who the hell you are and why you sending me those images - spamming my inbox and ish. Please tell me your from Wattpad and you would like me to use these in your book cover or something.

Payments: I don't want anything really. It's all free. But if you really liked the cover that I made I'd gladly accept a mention, shout out or dedication on your book. But that's up to you! Just don't let me read the book and you said that you made this all by yourself, that's just plain rude

If the cover doesn't look good, isn't up to your standards, doesn't work, or you'd like me to make over a new one then that's not a problem. Just don't be rude or send me any threats because I will report you.

You can simply say, "Hey! Thanks for helping but I don't like this cover can you do another one?" or if you absolutely hate my work and you don't want me to do any more you can say, "Thanks for trying but I don't really like this design. Don't worry you don't have to make another cover." 

That's all it's as simply as that! PM me the info, if you like it say thanks, if you hate it be honest but kind. 

**Next Chapter ----->>> Helping those who want to make their own **

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