Chapter 14

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*Sorry I took so long to update, it's just I realized the timeline isn't working out here in the story. It's still 3 years before the Fellowship, but Aragorn is actually in Rivendell visiting Arwyn instead of being a newborn baby. I know Arathorn's supposed to be dead, but I'll sort that out as well (that sounds mean but it's true) Enjoy the chapter:)*


From the morning when we set out until around midday, the Rangers, Tÿlae and I ride North-East to meet the goblins. The path in front of us is clear, at least it seems so, until I spot something scurrying in the bushes beside us.

"Stop!" I call out, steadying my horse. The sound of hooves hitting ground stops suddenly as everyone, however reluctantly, follows my order.

"What is it, Legolas?" Benor asks me.

I dismount, walking over to the bush where I saw the movement. I pull my knives from their sheathes and hold them at the ready.

I get as close to the bush as I can, then peer cautiously around the edge. A face suddenly pokes out, hideous and greyish coloured. A goblin.

It pounces at me, and I reflexively drive one of my knives through its chest, causing it to stop in its tracks.

"The goblins, they're near. This one's a scout." I say, turning back to the Rangers, most of whom are looking at me with expressions of awe.

I draw my blade out of the creature's skin, cleaning it on the dewy grass before placing it back in its sheath.

"What's our plan from here on, Benor?" I ask.

He waits a few seconds, then answers, "We backtrack, leaving the horses a reasonable distance away. Then we walk back here. Once that's done I shall inform you of further proceedings."

Everyone nods in agreement, and I quickly mount my horse. We travel about a mile before stopping and tying off our horses. We then walk back to the spot where I found the goblin scout, and Benor tells us the plan.

"First, the archers, led by Legolas, will approach and kill any goblins they can reach. Once the goblins realize where the archers are, I want the swordsmen-and women-" Benor quickly adds after a glance from Tÿlae, "to attack the remaining goblins. If what I've been told is true, and some goblins are indeed in a cave, then we shall enter the cave with archers yet again at the front and follow the same procedure. Understood?"

There is a mumble of assent from the group, at which Benor nods with satisfaction.

"Right. Let's do this, Rangers! Archers up front." Benor says enthusiastically.

I take my bow from my back, notching an arrow in the string as I walk slowly forward with the rest of the archers, crouching down so as not to be seen. Within a few minutes we reach what appears to be a large hill in front of us. In the hill is a crack, almost like a doorway. A cave. Outside of the cave is about twenty or so goblins, all walking about aimlessly and arguing amongst themselves.

"Pick your target." I whisper quietly, raising my bow. Once I see that all the bows are pointing at separate targets, I say, in barely a whisper, "Fire when ready!"

Within a second, seven arrows are shot, four finding their mark. The remaining goblins squeal with surprise, searching for their attackers. Again, I fire an arrow, along with the rest of the archers. Several more goblins are killed. We fire another volley, just as one of the goblins turns and spots us, pointing and yelling ferociously. My arrow pierces its heart, but it's too late. The last goblins turn and begin to advance upon us.

From behind I hear Benor yell, "Swords, forward!"

I switch my bow for my knives, and join the swordsmen. There are only a few goblins left, and we dispose of them easily and quickly.

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