Chapter 5

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As I thought, the previous night had passed slowly. I thought it rude to wander away from my quarters, which is the only thing that stopped me from walking the grounds of the Dunedain camp.

At the moment, I'm sitting down on a small wooden stool, looking out at the morning sun, riding slowly over the distant mountain peaks.

Suddenly, I hear a light knock on my door. I sigh, and get up to answer it.

I pull open the door, and see Tÿlae standing there.

"Lord Arathorn has called for us. He wishes for us to join him for breakfast so that he can explain to you what is happening." She says.

"Okay, let's go then." I say, and walk out of my room, closing the door behind me.

As we are walking, side by side, I am reminded of the days we spent together as children. Playing in the wheat fields, practicing our archery and swordsmanship.

"Hello? Legolas?" Tÿlae says, waving a hand in front of my eyes.

"Yes? What is it?" I reply, acting as if nothing had happened.

Tÿlae laughed, "If you hadn't been so caught up in your daydreams you would've realized that we're here."

"Oh, uh, right. Of course we are." I say, feeling a slight blush on my cheeks from my embarrassment.

Tÿlae just shakes her head, then takes her seat. I sit down beside her, and soon enough Arathorn and his wife Lady Gilraen enter the room, and take their seats opposite us.

"So I suppose Lady Tÿlae told you why I called you both here for breakfast?" Arathorn asks me as we begin to eat.

"Yes, you wanted to explain why I'm here?" I say in answer.

Arathorn nods, "Yes. You see, it wasn't a mere coincidence that we found you when we did. We were searching for you, anyway."

"Why were you searching for me?" I ask curiously.

Arathorn leans forward seriously as he says, "We need your help. As you saw only yesterday, even the smallest group of goblins can bring our village to its knees. Both of you have created quite a name for yourselves. We have heard that you, Legolas, have uncanny skill with a bow, and that Tÿlae is the best when it comes to swordplay."

I nod, knowing that this is true. I have practiced with a bow since I was merely three years old. And Tÿlae may be useless with a bow, but with a sword she is quite a challenge in battle.

"What exactly is it you need help with?" Tÿlae asks.

"Yes, I was getting to that," Arathorn continues, "We have discovered the leaders of all the Orc and goblin packs in this area. We were hoping you could help us defeat them so that our people can live peacefully again, without fear of being killed."

"I will be glad to help." Tÿlae says immediately.

I would help as well, but my father...

"Arathorn, I also would be willing to help, but my father..." I begin, but he cuts me off.

"Your father is the one who recommended you for this task."

I should have seen that one coming. He would do anything to get rid of me. Its been such a long time, but he still blames me for mothers death. He hates me for it. this of the perfect opportunity for him to have gotten rid of me, and he's taken it.

Arathorn's voice suddenly becomes softer as he says, "But I understand if you don't want to do it. The pain of her death must still be fresh, and I do not wish for your suffering to endure for longer than it needs to."

My heart pangs as I remember the look on Allanae's face as she died in my arms, and I wince.

Tÿlae gives me a questioning look, and is about to say something, but I stop her, "later." I tell her.

Then, to Arathorn I say, "Of course I will help. Just tell me what to do."

Arathorn smiles warmly at the two of us, "I'm glad to have you with us. Now we should stand a good chance against those damned monsters."

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