S1 EP6: Ex Lover

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*There is a festival in the plaza, and Marie is outside with her new boyfriend, Vince. Alexis comes to meet him*

Alexis: Oh! Well, who's this.

Vince: I'm Vince. Nice to meet you!

*Alexis and Vince shake hands. Then, Marie and Vince hold hands, so Alexis can easily sense that they are together*

Alexis: Ah, so you two?

Marie: Oh, uh, yeah!

*Someone calls for Alexis to help with the balloons*

Alexis: Nice! Well, I'll Catch up with you later

*A few minutes later, Alexis glances at Vince and Marie holding each other close and watching the band play*

Emily's House:

*There was still a long pause after Vince and Alexis have eye contact*

Alexis: Well, I think we should start preparing dinner, shall we?

Stacy: Uh, yeah. Let me get the lasagna out of the oven!

Alexis: Pardon me, I'm going to use the ladies room.

Emily: I'll go help my mom!

Peter's Room:

*Peter is on FaceTime with his friend, Brad. They are talking about Alexis*

Brad: So you guys are together now?

Peter: I think so! She is a really great kisser!

Brad: Damn, I want to meet this hottie!

Peter: We go to the studio I've been telling you to join! You have a lot of talent to offer!

Brad: You know maybe your right! We could totally work together, bud!

Peter: Uh, don't call me bud.

Brad: Better than calling you an ass.

*Cindy walks into Peter's room*

Cindy: Hey Peter you should put that away and get some sleep, okay bud!

Brad: See even your mom calls you bud!

Peter: Shut up! Alright I've gotta got! Peace out, man!

*Peter turns off his laptop and hangs up*

Emily's House:

*Alexis comes out of the bathroom. Vince stands outside waiting for Alexis*

Vince: I'm surprised you remembered me

Alexis: Yeah, well, I don't want to remember you!

*Alexis walks and Vince blocks her from walking*

Vince: If you tell them about our past, you're going to regret it.

Alexis: Well, I thought you would have wanted a fresh start, I don't think Stacy wants to know all the shit you did to Marie, whom I call Mother, huh?

Vince: Oh, right, you're one of her adopted kids now, huh?

Alexis: She treats me as if I was one of her own. You wouldn't know what good treatment is.

Vince: Like what I'm giving Stacy?

Alexis: Look, I don't know what your doing here. You're relationship with Stacy is none of my business. I want my friend's mother to be happy, and if your her happiness, then great, you win. But I'm gonna ask you one thing, if your planning on going anywhere near my mother again, I will kick your little ass! Got it?

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