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there you were in my favorite

coffee shop ordering from

the best barista they have in the whole city

i walk into my refuge

just to sit here and find my muse and not

even to think about running into you!

i take my usual seat, in the window all the

way in the back.

a spot that you'd know about if you been here for


 It's in this little cranny of a corner like a lost

forgotten gem like a needle in a hay stack, 

the way the light falls in the room is prefect to draw

the very lively cafe and the street outside is the

perfect medication for a bruised body and soul

 like mine from my father who at the sight

of me make his blood boil

my blonde hair falls in my face masking my pain filled blue aching

eyes, shutting out the world. I take my pencil out of my hair making a few strands fall.

a rather rude clearing of someone's throat pulls me from my perfect world

back to reality. i look up suddenly to fix my blue eyes upon your honey heart melting,your caring, intrigued, amused, brown ones.

that's when you knew about my past seeing my scars and bruises

that's when i knew that you felt the same way you felt about me

you had so many questions

i had the answers that i was willing to give up

just for the chance to be cared about



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