Luke's big crazy family

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It was 10 o'clock when Luke brought up to his room. His room was bigger than my grandpa's. He let me get put my pjs first, I walked into the king size bathroom with awe. I was taking off my shirt to put my gown on when I felt eyes on me. I used my bond to see Luke looking at me through the key hole, I slowly took off my shorts and bent down to pick them up slowly. I heard a playful growl, the doorknob turned slowly and the door opened.

Luke pushed me up against the wall, he began kissing my down my jaw to my neck. I moaned when he hit my spot on my shoulder, Luke growled with pleasure. He began sucking on the spot and I pulled away, I didn't want to be marked, yet. He growled with black eyes, he shoved me up against the wall and began kissing me roughly. "Luke! Stop it! Let me go." I growled back, tears were flowing down my face. Luke let me go with a guilt written face."Angel, I'm so sorry. I lost control, I didn't mean to do that." He moved towards me, I ran to the bed. I pulled the covers over my my body and flipped over.

I tried falling asleep but I couldn't. Luke kept trying to talk to me, I turned away every time. "Luke just stop apologizing, I know you didn't mean it but you know I just have bad experiences." I wrapped my small arms around his torso and he wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled his head in to my neck and smiled. He was happy and I was happy, I'm gonna like it here.

*Luke's POV*

I woke up to no Angel, I sat up quickly. Where is she? I looked at the bathroom when I heard a chuckle and I saw Angel laughing at me. She came over and hugged me, since I was sitting down I could hug her waist. I put my head on her stomach, I pulled her onto the bed with her still above me. She sat on top of me, she kissed me and I kissed back harder. I was about to flip her over so I was on top of her, when someone knocked on the door. " Luke, Angelina?" I growled as Angel slipped off me to answer the door. " Oh, did you two just wake up?" She looked over at me then to Angel. " I didn't but Luke did." She nodded and I heard her tell Angel to come down if she wants to help make breakfast. Angel nodded that she would be down in a minute. " Angel, why say yes? I want you." She laughed and went back to brushing her hair. " Luke, I'm going to help. I'll make you anything you want, but wouldn't take advantage of it at all, though. Josh did that before and...well...he learned his lesson." My eyes widened, I shook my head yes and told her I wanted an omelette and that she could surprise with what's inside. I don't think I will mess with her, I need to know what she did.

* Angel POV*

I was making his omelette when Kate came up behind me with sausage and bacon for his omelette. "Kate, what is Luke's favorite dinner? I was planning on asking Luke to come to the big feast tomorrow for my alpha initiation." She congratulated me and told me steak dinner but he was very picky on what type of steak. I would make him my famous steak, not to brag but I make very good steak. I help every feast but tomorrow's, I can't, because I am becoming the alpha. I want to help. But I know that grandpa would even go as far as banning me from the pack for a day.

Luke came down and introduced me to everyone in his pack. His beta was his cousin Jamie. His third command is his friend Kale. His dad's name is John and Luke also has a even younger sister, Angie,  who is 3. I found out she  was an orphan baby that Luke found on his doorstep, literally.

Luke took a bite of his omelette and was surprised I got his favorite kind right." Luke. You do realize when we went to the cafe, you said and ordered your favorite omelette. right?" He thought for a moment then went back to his omelette. Luke finished and was behind when I felt myself be picked up from the table. " Why are you carrying me?" " Because you left me this morning when I wanted you to stay. Angel, I am taking you to my room. I am an alpha, you have to listen to me." He thinks he can control me. He can't and will learn that. " I am becoming alpha tonight, also I just don't listen to alphas." I hopped out of his arms and he was stunned still. He saw me pick up an apple and said no ideas. So I through it at his head, growled and ran after me. I love him so much.

* sorry. promised an update yesterday and I will update but my cousins are in town so I am busy.*

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