Thank you Thank you Thank you

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I lobe you guys so much for your support. Even though I wrote this years ago and I see my mistakes and illogical thinking, you  beautiful people comment and read this story. I live the comments that I read. I just answered a someone recently that messaged me a couple months ago and I didn't notice. I thought people didn't read it or actually message me anymore.

I'm sorry for not answering you, you know who you are.

I am going to write again once my school work calms down. Its almost Christmas break and I have Choir concerts to do. Projects are being thrown at me left and right but maybe Christmas will bring you guys another story.

I send hugs to all of you
Love the author
Peace out pups!

My Mates An Alphaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें