THIRTEEN ━ ❝it was one hell of a year indeed❞

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"But you're more likely to get a job anyways," Remus calmly said, "Everyone will refuse you if they know."

"Yeah, I know, but it still sucks so much," Calypso sighed, admitting defeat. She slumped back on her bed, looking at her dad, "Sorry."

He shook it off, "Don't worry about it, I understand. I really understand."

"How's Uncle Pads?" she asked, steering the conversation away from that topic.

"He – he was caught," her heart dropped, "But then he escaped."

"What?" Calypso asked, not even trying to keep the shock out of her voice, "What do you mean? How?"

Remus shrugged, "I don't know. They were keeping him captive in one of the towers until the Ministry could arrive but then he somewhere just escaped. But, I have a feeling that Harry and Hermione know more than what they're saying."

She nodded, "I'll threaten the truth out of them later, don't worry."

"Nope, we are not going to do that, alright, star?" Remus sternly asked and she huffed.

"Fine. I guess it'll just be another mystery."

― 🌙 ―

"CALYPSO! WHAT THE fuck happened to you?" Birdie questioned quite loudly when she walked into the hospital wing.

"Miss Bishop!" Madame Pomphrey reprimanded, causing Birdie's cheeks to flush red as she muttered an apology at the elderly woman. Still, she continued to walk until she got to where Calypso laid, inspecting the girl.

Calypso couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, trying hard not laugh too hard as to not hurt her ribs. "Stop staring at me, it's creeping me out," she shoved the girl lightly.

Birdie rolled her eyes, sitting down before giving her a worried look. "Are you okay? Like, are you really okay because you look terrible, no offense," she said honestly, "And Professor Lupin didn't tell me anything except that you were injured."

"Wait, my dad's already walking around?" Calypso asked before realizing how it sounded.

"Yeah," Birdie nodded, "And I feel like I should tell you that everyone kinda knows that he's a werewolf. Is that how you got hurt?" her heart dropped, "Did he attack you?"

"You think that my dad attacked me? Absolutely not!" Calypso snapped furiously.

"I'm not saying it like that, but you should know more than anyone that werewolves don't have control over themselves when they're turned," Birdie said and she did know. She knew because she was forced to relinquish that control once a month when the moon became full. Calypso did know because of how frequently it happened to her and she hated it. "So I'm not blaming him if he did hurt you."

Calypso shook her head, "He didn't."

Birdie let out a breath, "Oh, thank Merlin because I really didn't wanna hate him. Your dad's the best and I am so sad to see him go."

"He's leaving?" Calypso asked again, even more shocked than before, "God, how long was I out? A million things have happened while I've just been in here."

"Yeah. When it got out, and by that I mean when Snape went blabbing to everyone –"

"That motherfucker!"

"– parents starting writing letters to Dumbledore saying that he has to fire him if he wants them to keep their kids at Hogwarts," Birdie explained more, "It's the worst. I mean, we're losing an amazing teacher because of this shit. Because of fucking Snape! We actually had someone who could competently teach a fucking subject without becoming a stuttering mess or bluffing. It was amazing and now he's resigned because of these motherfuckers who can't accept that werewolves are different from themselves during the full moon."

Lone Wolf ⋆ HP Golden Era (3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt