Start from the beginning

"Hey kid, you're pretty smart," he said once he calmed down enough.

"I'm not a kid I'm seven," the kid pouted

Squatting down to the child's level and extending his hand he continued, "Name's Remus Lupin,"

And with a simple sentence, Remus' eyes widened looking supply like a full moon.

Shaking his hand the small child said," Harry, Harry Potter," Without a warning, Remus gently grabbed Harry's face and brushed away his overgrown bangs to see a lightning shaped scar.

"Are you going to make fun of me too?" Harry asked his voice wavering a bit. This was the nicest man he had ever met in his entire life. To his knowledge, his entire seven had been with the Dursleys. Where everyone hated he because of the lies they had spread.

Eyes softening Remus pulled the small child into a hug, "No Harry, I would never,"

With tears, young Harry hugged the werewolf. In the few hours he had known the man, he had brought so much light into his life.

After a few minutes, Harry calmed down. Remus was about to say something when Harry's statue growled.

"Want to get a bite to eat?" Remus asked with a small smile.

"Yeah," Harry said his cheeks heating up a bit

"I'll be right back," Pulling out his wand, "Feel free to read whatever you want, I'll be back in a second,"

With that, he apparated himself to the dinner he taken to eating at for every meal for the past three weeks.


When Remus returned with food he found Harry on the floor surrounded by books.

"Hey kid," Remus said as he appeared with food in tow.

Passing Harry a burger the two sat and talked about the books Harry had been reading as they ate.

After a while, Remus quietly asked," Harry where do you live,"

"Privet Drive in the village of Little Whinging," Harry answer without skipping a beat.

He knew the drill about stranger danger and kidnapping. But Harry trusted Remus more than all of the Dursleys put together. In the short time, he had known the werewolf he had shown more kindness to Harry in the few hours he been with him than the Dursleys had his whole life.

"Harry, that's in London,"

"We're not in London?" Harry asked disbelief on his face. He had been in London and now he's not.

"What you know about magic" Remus changed the subject.

"That it's fake," he paused, "but you're a werewolf so I'm guessing it's real,"

"Smart kid," "I guess I'll take you home now, they must be worr-"

"No!" Harry exclaimed, "I don't want to!" Tears started to pricked his eyes, "Please I don't want to go back,

"Harry," Remus whispered trying to calm him down, "why?"

That's when Harry let everything out. He told him of his life with the Dursleys. The Cupboard, the endless chores, Dudley and his gang, school, everything.

Remus almost lost it when Harry told him how Vermin had hit him once.

Pulling Harry into a tight hug Remus made a promise

"Harry I promise you, you will never have to live a day with those," he paused for a child-friendly word only come up with," monsters as long as I live,"

"C-can I live with y-you?" Harry asked fresh tears running down his face

His hold on Harry tightened. Mooney was screaming at him to say yes. He would let them loses their pup a second time.

With a heavy heart, Remus said, "Harry, I wish, oh I wish I could," he took an unsteady breath, "They would take you away in a heartbeat and put you back with those monsters,"

"Why," Harry cried into Remus' shoulder, breaking his heart

"People, even wizards, and witches are scared of what they can't understand," or control whispers Monney

"Laws prohibit werewolves from doing or having certain things,"

"Suppression?" Harry asked his worries fading to the back of his mind as the opportunity to learn new things presented itself.

With a small smile at his pup's yearning for learning, he began to explain the scrutiny werewolves face. Why most lived in the wild and away from people magical or not.

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