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Sophitz time. Please don't kill me for what happens in this chapter. Leave some song suggestions please. Also do elves have facial hair?? I think they do and it's included in this chapter so correct me if I'm wrong. Parts of this chapter may include some stuff that people could consider inappropriate but I think it's really not bad at all.

Sophie stood in front of her spectral mirror Vertina fussing over her outfit and hairstyle though Sophie tried and failed to get out wearing makeup but Vertina went slightly easy on her. Amy was trying to be helpful but Vertina kept telling her to go away so she eventually gave up and ready some book to help her catch up on elf stuff before she started Foxfire tomorrow.  Sophie's outfit ended up looking like this.

Sophie looked at herself in the mirror and sighed

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Sophie looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Curse her mirror.
"I'll be back in about thirty minutes." Sophie said as she turned to put on some silver sandal. Amy said surprisingly calmly, "When you get back. I need boy advice." Sophie looked at her surprised but said, "I have to admit I'm not the best person for this but I'll help in any way I can." Amy smiles gratefully at her and shooed her out the door claiming she was going to be late to wherever she was going.
     Sophie made her way across the Havenfeild grounds and climbed up the hill and sat back against the tree glad she was wearing flats and not heels. Sophie fingered a small pebble that she had found that she had had Dex carve a stark flower into and set it near the base of the tree in a silent thanks to Calla for everything that she had done. She heard footsteps sounding up the hill and she turned to see a very handsome looking Fitz. His hair was messy and unstyled and he was wearing a navy blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows showing off his lower arm muscles and he had a bit of stubble and his chin. Just looking at him made Sophie blush slightly When he looked at her he looked quickly asked, "Was I supposed to dress up. I'm sorry if I was." Sophie just chuckled and responded, "No. you're fine. I have the curse of both sharing a room with my little sister and having a spectral mirror." Fitz looked sorry for her as he sat down leaning on the tree next to her. Sophie couldn't help but ask, "What's with the beard?" Fitz blushed and sighed and grumbled something about Biana causing Sophie to crack up. Fitz glared at her and asked, "How was your... date. Yesterday?" He asked though the question was strained. Sophie shrugged and said, "It went great." Fitz tensed at the words but Sophie continued, "But Rowan and I decided we like each other better as friends and it was weird to date." At that Fitz looked slightly hopeful but Sophie dismissed it. He couldn't like her like that.
Could he?
That's was when Fitz brought up the subject Sophie had been dancing around. "Are you ready to tell me the secret?" Sophie looked down and nodded her head but gave him a warning, "This could change everything between us and I'm scared you'll hate me." Fitz scooted closer to Sophie and gently brushed a stray hair behind her ear and said reassuringly, "I couldn't ever hate you Sophie." When Sophie kept silent looking at the grass underneath them painfully aware of how close together their faces were Fitz took his hand and lifted her chin forcing her to look into his gorgeous teal eyes. She could do this she opened her mouth and started, "Fitz, I-" before she was interrupted by an all to familiar voice calling out. "What's going on up and this hill." As he rounded the top he saw Sophie and Fitz scrambling away from one another the later shooting death glares at Keefe. Keefe raised and eyebrow but jealousy glinted in his eyes as he said, "Did I interrupt something?" Fitz just kept on glaring as he said, "Yes Keefe as a matter of fact Sophie was about to tell me the one secret so we could finally become cognates until you had to come and screw everything up." Fitz stood up and stalked down the hill towards the hill. Keefe smirked and said, "Well someone's grumpy." But Sophie wasn't in a joking mood and too be honest was quite mad at him to so she replied, "He's not the only one" before following Fitz down the hill leaving Keefe feeling slightly guilty on the top of the hill. Sophie followed Fitz into the house and when they reached her room neither one of them had said a word. Sophie saw a note on her bed and no Amy and she immediately went into panic mode. What if the Neverseen had gotten Amy? Sophie rushed over to the note and sighed with relief when she saw a not scribbled in Amy's handwriting
I'm at some sort of Level one meet and greet I'll be back in an hour or two don't worry I'll be fine.
Love, Amy
Sophie sank down into her bed with relief and Fitz sat down right next to her and wrapped and arm around her. Sophie rested her head on his shoulder blushing and her heart fluttering. They sat like that for a couple of minutes not saying anything. Sophie pulled away and turned to Fitz taking his hands in her own and taking a deep breath she could do this. This time no Keefe to interrupt only her and Fitz. Before she could second guess herself she blurted out, "I-" And Edaline choose that exact moment to burst in the room carrying a plate of custard bursts and looked startled by Fitz's presence, "Oh hi Fitz." Fitz smiled at her and said, "Sorry for not giving a warning of my being here." Edaline just smiled at him and said, "Don't be Fitz you know your like a son to us." Fitz blushed and mumbled a thanks and Sophie stood up and dragged Fitz with her as she announced, "We are going to go take a walk in the gardens." Edaline calls after them, "Ok and remember that the others are coming over for dinner." Sophie was taken aback at that last part she didn't remember inviting everyone but shrugged. They could come it might be fun. Sophie sat down with Fitz on a bench that overlooked the beautiful sunrise and sighed, "No interruptions." Fitz looked at her and repeated, "No interruptions." Fitz gripped her and and pulled her close Sophie took a deal breath.
It was time.
"Fitz, I like you. I like like you and I have since I first met you and I understand if you hate me for it and I understand if you don't want to be my friend I just had to tell you." Fitz looked at her and said softly, "Sophie." A tear ran down Sophie cheeks and she wrenched herself away from him and started back towards the house and Fitz stood his and reached for her and called, " Sophie wait!"
"Forget I said any thing Fitz. Just forget it." Sophie called back tears running down her face at full force now.
"Sophie please wait!" Fitz called again closer this time and Sophie broke out into a run and ran into the house where the whole gang was waiting but Sophie didn't care. She twirled knowing Fitz was still behind her and shouted, "Fitz forget it." And whirled running back up the stairs and Fitz made to run after her but Tam caught his hand and said, "Maybe you should listen to her and stay down here. I'll talk to her." But Fitz shook his head eyes wild and responded, "No Tam not on this"  and pulled his hand away and sprinted up the stairs and It was Keefe who called out, "Fitz wait!" Grady burst in the room demanding to know what happened and once he got the explanation he assumed the worst and stalked up the stairs a look of fury on his face. When he reached the Sophie room he opened the door and saw a passed out Sophie in a very surprised and confused looking Fitz's arms. Grady stalked over to Fitz and slapped him hard causing Fitz to help and clutch his face with one hand and still holding Sophie with the other. Grady snatches Sophie out of his arms and demanded, "What did you do to my daughter."
"Umm. Well I uh..." Fitz started the scene replaying in his mind.
He saw Sophie crying in his room and he grabbed her shoulders making sure she wasn't going to run away again and she yelled at him, "What do you want?!!" And Fitz the the only thing that had seemed logical st the time. He kissed her. And when they pulled away from each other he moved his head so he was less than an inch away from her ear and whispered, "I want you." His breath caressing her ear and his little stubble lightly scratching along her cheek causing her heart to do a flip and her chest and then she passed out.
Fitz explained to Grady the full story and he had profusely apologized for hitting him but  he was just trying to protect his daughter. Fitz then had to tell the story about 5 other times to various adults but still hadn't told any of his friends who were pestering him with questions and trying to trick information out of the adults but no one gave them any information. Tam held Sophie hand much to Fitz's displeasure but he couldn't really do anything about it without telling them what happened and he didn't know if that was what Sophie would want so he kept silent until Sophie's eyes fluttered open and she asked groggily, "What happened." Fitz raised an eyebrow st her and smoothly asked, "Would you like a reminder?" Earning him a couple of glares and beams from the adults. Sophie just blushed beet red and covered her face with her hands a she remembered what had happened. But when she looked up her eyes were twinkling with happiness. Keefe fanned the air in front of his face and said, "Those are some interesting emotions there Foster. Care to explain?" His tone was light but everyone could tell he didn't like whatever emotions Sophie was feeling. That's when one of the Adults realized the time and ushered everyone out. After all they had school tomorrow. Once everyone one was gone only Sophie and Fitz were in the room.
"Do you want to tell everyone?" Fitz asked.
Sophie shook her head and grinned, "Let them figure it out until we get our matchmaking scrolls." Fitz looked thoughtful for a moment and said, "I'm pretty sure Keefe already guessed. Sophie shrugged, "So?" Fitz laughed and tacked Sophie so that he was on top of her pinning her underneath him. Their position caused Sophie to blush but she held eye contact with Fitz.
"What now?" Sophie asked tauntingly.
"Now, I ask you. Will you, Sophie Foster, be my super secret girlfriend?" His eyes were hopeful but scared. Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "Of course." At those words Fitz leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was electric. Sophie ran her hands through Fitz's as he nibbles on her bottom lip requesting access. She denied. Fitz growled slightly and they heard someone clear their throat from the hallway. Both of their heads snapped to the side and Fitz tensed hoping that whoever it was it wasn't Grady.
     They saw Amy standing in the door an eyebrow raised and amusement flickering in her eyes.
"How long had this been going on?" Amy asked.
"It's started today." Sophie admitted.
"And you said you weren't good with boys." Amy teased.
"I'm still not convinced I am." Sophie mumbled.
"You got Fitz Vacker. The golden boy of Foxfire. To fall for you. And yet you don't think your good with boys." Amy asked incredulously.
"I hate that title." Fitz muttered. Causing both Amy and Sophie to burst out laughing. Fitz glared at both of them and Sophie asked, "So, who's the lucky boy Amy?"
Fitz peeked up at that and said, "Amy has a crush. Ooh this should be good." Sophie nodded and said, "She asked me for boy advice earlier." Amy looked at Sophie shocked and half heartedly shouted, "Sophie!!" Sophie shrugged and said, "Oh please. Fitz is a boy who managed to get half the girls at Foxfire to fall for him yet I'm  his first girlfriend." He's got to know what guys like in a girl. Fitz looked at Sophie startled, "Girls at Foxfire like me?" Sophie stared at him.
"I knew you were oblivious but I didn't realize you were that oblivious." She said to him genuinely surprised. "Where do think all of the crush cuffs come from." Fitz looked thoughtful for a second before replying, "I guess your right." Sophie shook her head at him in disbelief before turning to Amy and asking, "So. Let's get back to you."
Amy blushed and said, "What do I do if I like a guy." Sophie turned to Fitz for this question. He caught the hint and responded, "Get to know him. Once you become good friends. I would tell him. If he likes you he'll tell you. If he doesn't he's an idiot and if you want you should make sure your friend ship is still intact which it should be otherwise he is once again and idiot."
Amy looked thoughtful for a second and nodded before disappearing into her slider to get ready for bed.
"I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow." Fitz said. Sophie nodded and grabbed his collar and kissed him one last time.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She said and disappeared into her own closet leaving a startled Fitz standing in the middle of her room. Once she was ready for bed she suffered endless teasing from her sister. She fell asleep thinking that maybe things were looking up.

Don't worry this isn't the end of the story. Peace out. And also this chapter is a lot longer than some of my other ones. Did you like it or should I make them shorter?

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