Chapter One

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I can't do this.

I just can't.

"Ruby, you need to make your decision." The impatient voice of Professor Elm cut into my train of thought.

I can't do it. I can't make a decision this big. I'm not ready. Maybe if leave now they'll all forget I was here.

"I can't." I muttered under my breath.

It's hard to believe that by the choice I make my whole life will change. What if I'm not good enough? I can barely stand around a Pokémon without flipping shit that it will attack me. How can I manage to care for one?

A scoff came from the figure beside me. It was a girl with unusual bright pink hair and blue eyes. "Just let me pick first Professor." Her blue eyes were now being rolled in annoyance.

I didn't know the girl or the mysterious boy hiding slightly in the shadows of the lab. We had each been called here for different reasons, mine I'm still unsure about. What do I have to offer to the Professor? I can't even choose a simple Pokémon to start this so called "journey".

"Fine. Take your pick, Emily." It was hard not to notice the clear joy in the girls eyes when Elm gave her permission to choose her partner. The girl- Emily -tried to play it off as cool but I could practically see the mental celebration she was throwing.

Emily stepped up to the machine the starters were positioned on, a large grin painted on her face. It had only been mere moments before she spoke again. "Totodile. I choose Totodile." That struck me as odd. She seemed like she would've picked Chikorita. The cute grass type Pokémon seemed like it would go much better with the girl's attitude.

I myself have always been a fan of fire Pokémon. Although, I've never actually been close to one. Maybe that's why I'm hesitant on who to pick. I've never really been in much contact with Pokémon before. Despite the fact my mother is a gym leader.

"Have you made your decision yet Ruby?" Professor Elm turned his attention away from the smiling girl and her new partner.

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could I was cut off by the strange boy.

"Actually I'll be taking the next pick. It seems like she's wasted enough of our time." The boy was next to step up to the machine. I winced at his hurtful words. How could someone who seems so cruel be important to the Professor?

A breathe I hadn't realized I was holding released as I saw the boy pick up Chikorita's pokéball. Perhaps I had known who I wanted.

Without a second glance at the boy and girl, I grabbed my partners pokéball before either of them could change their minds. Elm grinned at my sudden movement and then motioned to three chairs. I sat down the boy and girl on either side of me.

"Now I'm sure each of you would like to know why you were called here." Elm began to explain his reason for trusting three teenagers with Pokémon he had been saving for the next group of kids ready for their journey.

"No shit, Sherlock." The boy whispered menacingly. Emily snorted back a laugh when Professor Elm glared at him.

Elm must have decided to ignore the boy's colorful language because he continued with his speech. "Each of you are related in someway to someone who is of great importance to the pokemon world. Therefore, you grew up around Pokémon and are familiar with them." Beep. Sorry, sir, you seem to have the wrong information.

"This is why I've decided to give each of you a Pokémon. For reasons unknown none of you have started your journeys yet. I had Pokémon available and couldn't risk seeing three masters-to-be miss their chance a greatness. All I ask in return is that you help fill out a pokédex for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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