Chapter 3: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Mukuro Ikusaba waited for quite a bit once she was finished knocking as she stood alone in the hallway wearing her usual school uniform. It felt like there was never going to be an answer until the door suddenly flung open and Leon Kuwata, the ultimate high school baseball star, leaned against the door frame with a surprised smile on his face.

"Well would you look at that!" Leon laughed as he shoved one of his hand in his pants pocket and glanced at the empty hallways to make sure nobody else was there before facing the female soldier in front of him. "You are definitely the last person I expected to show up to my room in the middle of the night. What's up?"

"Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something." Mukuro's blank expression as well as her emotionless tone made the baseball player raise an eyebrow as he let out a fake and clearly forced chuckle. Junko specifically told her sister to 'seduce' Leon but that was definitely something the girl had no idea how to do; she figured it wouldn't be very hard to wing it but the results of that idea was not paying off.

"Can't this wait until tomorrow? A guy like me needs his beauty sleep, you know?"

Mukuro shook her head. She knew this conversation wasn't necessarily going the direction it was supposed to be going but felt powerless to speak up and change it.

Leon whistled quietly to himself in order to avoid the awkward silence that had filled the air before sighing. "Look...Maka? Makuno? Whatever, we don't really talk that much so it'd probably be better if we did this at the dining hall in the morning or something...unless you had something else in mind when you 'came to talk' of course."

"Yes...I have something else in mind." The girl wasted no time jumping on the excuse Leon had inadvertently given her; she was surprisingly thankful to whoever created the strong lust in which teenage male hormones created as the entire interaction would have gone downhill without it.

"Wait seriously?" Leon was so caught off guard that he wasn't even suspicious by Ikusaba's less than enthusiastic response. He took an agonizingly slow couple of seconds to look at the soldier up and down...Mukuro tried not to react even though it felt like every inch of her was being examined as if she were some zoo animal in an exhibit. Kuwata suddenly looked his classmate in the eyes again before giving his signature smirk which had caught most ladies like a fish in a hook many times before. "It's always the shy ones, huh? Come on in! I just made my bed."

The second Leon turned around, the ultimate soldier went into action. She jumped towards her victim and wrapped one of her arms around his throat in order to keep him still; the teen attempted to shout but Mukuro's firm grip forced only a quiet squeak to come out of his mouth. It wasn't very difficult for her to pull out a chloroform soaked rag and cover his mouth with it.

Leon fruitlessly fought for his freedom but all the struggling did was tire himself out. Mukuro was more than patient enough to hold her position until the victim began to lose consciousness and eventually lay limp in her hands. The next destination was Junko's room which wasn't too far away luckily for the lean girl who had to carry the larger body.

At least that was the plan until Mukuro suddenly heard another door near her opening; she quickly shut Leon's door nearly all the way but left it cracked open a bit in order to hear who was outside of their dorms at such a late hour.

The soldier couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she recognized Kirigiri and Naegi's voice but couldn't quite decipher what they were saying because of their quiet whispers...why were they even together so late at night?

Curiosity spread throughout Mukuro's body like wildfire as she heard footsteps walking further and further down the hall. She couldn't stop herself from opening the door a bit more so she can peek outside to see the duo nearing the hallway to the first floor classrooms. Ikusaba watched them leave as she took a step outside and was strongly considering following them to see what they were up to when Kirigiri suddenly grabbed Makoto and yanked him inside the bath house.

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