Chapter 7

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(Y/F/A)- your favorite animal

That same night after dinner,(Y/N) dreams about what Henry was telling her. The next morning you woke up in a cold sweat crying Grace's name. You got ready and walk downstairs. "Hey Mom, can we go to Granny's?", you ask. "Sure (Y/N)", she replies. You and your mom arrive at Granny's, you take a seat at a booth and you here a bell from the door ring. Henry walks in with this blonde in a red leather jacket. "Hey (Y/N)", he says as he pulls up a chair and the lady with him does the same. "Oh Mom, this is Henry a friend I made at school and..." "This is my mom Emma Swan and it's nice to meet you Mrs (Y/L/N)", Henry says. " It's nice to meet you Emma and Henry", your mom replies. You get up to get a drink and Henry follows, while your mom and Emma are making small talk. "Henry, I keep having the same dream about..." *(Y/N) has a quick flashback* "Grace!" You shout sounding out of breath "I need to find Grace and Uncle Jefferson", you say. Henry has his book open to your story. "(Y/N), I have an Operation for us so I can help you find your family", Henry says. "What do we call it?", you say. "Operation (Y/F/A)", he says. "I like it, Operation (Y/F/A), thank you Henry", (Y/N) says.

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