Chapter 6

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After school you walked to Granny's Diner with Henry. " Henry there is something I need to tell you", you tell Henry when you take a seat at Granny's. "What is it (Y/N)?", he replies. You then tell Henry about your run in, with a girl that sounded familiar to you and how you had a dream about a girl with dark blonde hair. Who gave you a flower crown. Henry opens his storybook to a page that read "Mad Hatter". "Your trying to say I'm crazy", you state. " No" Henry says and continues by saying," (Y/N), here it says you lived in the Enchanted Forest with your mom, dad, cousin named Grace, Uncle named Jefferson ( aka Mad Hatter) and your Aunt. You were with Grace and she gave you your (Y/F/C) flower crown. You guys laughed and were happy until, you guys walked home to see your family crying because of your aunt/ your mom's sister's died . You and your family packed their things and left the Enchanted Forest to (Y/H/T) losing your memories." At this point you were crying so Henry walked you home. When you and Henry arrive at your house you thanked him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. You walked in your house telling Henry to have a good night.

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