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I thought I might do a chapter to pay my respect to xxtentaction. I'll be honest I don't really know him but finding out he was a guy who did nothing but try and inspire, to influence, people to be a better person. Its sad to know what our world has turned into something that no one will eventually want to live in, I know that this place is another word for hell from experience. I know it's not my place to say if he deserved to die or not but all he wanted to do was to spread happiness even though he had done some stuff that he severely regretted doing not only has he tried to make up for it but he helped people to not follow up in his mistakes by inspiring people, fans or not.

Overall, I think he isn't a bad person who definitely didn't deserve to die but that's not my place to decide. He has a heart of gold but a face filled up of hurt and betrayal. he has done nothing but bring positivity to this society and for that I shall pay my respect for the youngest inspiring person I've ever encountered.



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