Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey (ocs)

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So in light of Father's Day just passing and it being pride months, I feel now is a fitting time to introduce Ari's dads, Maxwell and Owen

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So in light of Father's Day just passing and it being pride months, I feel now is a fitting time to introduce Ari's dads, Maxwell and Owen. Maxwell is a mechanic/ peace maker who made Ari as a way for him and his husband to have children, while making something to use as an ambassador for a neighboring rival race. He wants humans to at least be on neutral terms with them, so he made a cute and innocent acting ambassador to lure them into a lighter sense of security. Owen on the other hand is a shy tattoo artist who spends most of his days doodling neat designs and making blueprints for his husband. Despite his shyness and lack of self confidence, he is a very protective father over Ari and dislikes it when she does her job as an ambassador

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