
The moment she put her hand on my shirt and pulled me to her, it was like everything stood still. But not my heart, that thing was racing out of my chest for her. Disgusting? Probably. But what can i do when she is so close to me, her face. So beautiful and how badly i want to tell her that. But what would she want from me? She keeps wanting me so close, but im, well.. Not her type, let's just keep it on that. What if she knew what i've done. She would be disgusted, hate me even. But now she's looking at me like i'm all she wants, and let me tell you, that feels good. Her lips so soft and shining, and when she smiles i can't stop looking.

God. help me.

Without thinking i slid my hand onto her leg, i waited for her to move it away but she didn't. It always surprised me how everywhere on her body is so soft. And i'm only rough and unpleasant, i would only mess it up. She needs to be happy with someone else. And i felt my heart skip from this amazing thing i am still trying to figure out called, love. Into a feeling thats well known to me, as anger.

"Out of the question" i said, and it was harsh. But its also how i felt. I don't want her on this mission with us, she doesn't need to see what is in there. "I'll be in the weapon room if you really need me" i just need to make myself more clear. But i have a hard time saying no to her, her arguments are valid and she does need the training. But out there, she could be taken away from me. And i know i can't hold myself if that would happen. But of course, she's stubborn and groaned in protest.

Okay girl, however you want it. And i groaned loudly back, mocking her. And she left it with that luckily, but i knew this wouldn't be the last conversation about it. I needed to clear my head, but how hard that was when it's basically filled with her. The way she speaks, it's cute with a bit of sass and everything comes so smooth, and i'm just a mess in and outside. "There you go again" i murred to myself and closed the door of the room.

Once inside i decided to test myself, i needed something to do. So i grabbed weapons and loaded everyting as fast as i possibly could. We used to do this training with everyone, Vanoss said it would be needed if we suddenly got overwhelmed or attacked. I was quick and affective, Vanoss barked in my head the list like he always did. A bullet proof vest over my shirt, a submachine gun. My trusted deagle and a couple of worthy gadgets and grenades. Everyone had their own specific guns they were the best with, and these just so happened to be mine.

Once i had done this a couple of times, and also backwards i was finally quite pleased. I felt good. I took care of the rest of the guns and loaded as many as i could. We're going to need them. Meanwhile i also caught myself  wondering what Sly could be up to, there is probably not much for her here.  She might need some distraction before her test this evening. Besides i was kind of rude to her for so I decided that it would be nice to spend a little more time together and i would appoligise for being a difficult asshole.

I walked out and straightened my back, i wasn't sure how i should start this conversation. 'Hey, sly? I think you're very pretty and i'm an asshole?' Probably like that. To my surprise two hours had already passed since i had been in the room. I didn't think i'd spend that much time. There were a couple of guys gathered around the table, strategizing about what we should do.

"Hey man, want to come join?" Terrorizer shoved aside a bit but i waved him off "Maybe later" the guys shrugged as i started to look around for Sly, but she was nowhere to be found. Not in the kitchen and not in her room, the messy bed we slept in together last night was left in the same state. I started to worry, there aren't many places she could be.

I asked everyone i could find but no one had seen her since breakfast. I felt my anger coming back mixed with confusion, where could she have gone? Did i make her, run away? I put a hand in my hair and pulled. Something could've happened to her. And then it came to me, maybe.. someone did something to her.

Adrenaline (Delirious x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now