→ chapter 23;;

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  1. cause to feel completely exhausted; worn out


I felt as if I had broken off ties with Nick. He hadn't talked to me for a whole day, and we would be aimlessly texting before that. It was hard to describe what I was feeling.

I am a people pleaser, if people are mad at me, even if it wasn't my fault, I have a neverending feeling of letting someone down.

It's hard to live like that, but I couldn't help but keep my mind tight on the fact that he yelled at me like that.

"He was sick. His hormones were probably raging. Do you want people to blame you for things you did while you were overwhelmed on your period?" My mom smiled and put down the plate of toast and eggs.

I nodded, silently agreeing with her. "But it's like he's purposely separating from me. He's all I got." I mumbled and she kissed my head.

"I am here too." She rubbed my back before sitting down to enjoy her own meal.
I smiled and ate my breakfast. I was being overdramatic, Nick would turn around eventually. He always did.

My mom and Nick were different. My mom couldn't cuddle with me and talk to me about life, i mean she could but it would be very awkward. 

I closed the locker and heard the on-schedule bell and some kids begin to laugh.

I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked over to see Nick.

He rubbed his head and looked like death. He literally looked like death.

He walked past my locker, probably not even caring I was here. I shrugged and kept fishing through my locker to find some books.

Grabbing my Algebra and Chemistry textbooks and notebooks, I trekked to my first class with a smile on my lips.

Before I turned into my class, a tall blonde boy almost slammed into me.

I looked up in utter surprise, and he looked speechless.

He was pretty cute, apart from his open mouth as he tried to find words.

"Sorry." I smiled and let him go past.

"This is Algebra II, right?" He asked, his deep and smooth voice giving me chills.

"Yes, welcome." I said awkwardly and took a seat. Of course, Nick was next to me.

I saw him look at me in my peripheral vision, and I quickly opened up my notebook and inhaled loudly.

"Hey, Malibu, do you have a pen?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and a short girl was beside me.

"Uhh sure." I whispered, bending down in my seat and grabbing one pen from my many in my pouch.

"Thanks. You look cute today." She smiled and walked off, and I nodded.

A sweater and leggings with adidas was not cute, but thanks.

I was sporting the bare face, embracing my natural freckles. They were fading, so it would be best if I let them show while I could.

"Good morning class. I have to run tests today in the front office, but with a class full of seniors, I am sure you can handle yourselves." My teacher called, the class going quiet.

"I want page 302 finished by Monday, set 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus the bonus if you want extra points." He wrote up on the board.

"Also, we have a new student. His name is Lukas Fields, be nice and helpful." He smiled and pointed to the desk beside me.

Great, all I needed was socialization.

"We meet again." He smiled and I smiled back.

Slowly writing the 1 on my notebook, I began working on the problem set.

"What's your name?" He whispered, and I tightened my jaw. Don't give in.

I looked over and tried to fake a smile.

"Malibu." I replied, and looked back at my notebook. Almost done with the first question. 

"That's a really cool name." He smiled at me and Nick also looked over. He was probably eavesdropping.

"Thanks." I said quietly back, and I looked to my right to see Nick staring.

I quickly looked back at my book and felt horrible. He looked really sick.

Why are you pitying? He obviously let his feelings flow the other day, why care now? It sounded heartless, but I really had no idea how to handle the feelings I felt right now.

I was so frazzled and overwhelmed with what I felt.

How do I tell him?



but it's totally fine


C O U R A G E ❈ NICK MAYORGAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora