→ chapter 22;;

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1. The easing of a pain, distress, or anxiety.


I tapped my locker with an anxious exhale, my long nails making an annoying gripping groan while I closed it.

The bell was about to ring, and I hadn't seen Nick yet. I wasn't going to wait outside, I felt like then people would assume something.

The last thing I needed was to be rumored the crazy girl who waited for guys to show up at school.

The small flood of students rolled in as the buses began coming in, and I saw Nick in the flood.

He probably just arrived.

His nose was red and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked rough.

His hair was gelled to the side, as always, and his clothes looked fine. What was his deal?

I stood in front of him and he stopped, looking up at me.

"Hey, I am sick. Don't kiss me." He groaned and rubbed his head.

"Maybe you should go home." I suggested.

I wasn't going to get mad because it was pointless, but my blood was boiling at this point.

"My attendance is perfect, if it gets too bad then I will opt out halfway through." He sighed, and I nodded, my hand gripping his jaw as I let him look at me.

"You should go now..." I hummed, his eyes tearing up because of his allergies.

He looked super sick, but it was probably just a small virus.

"Yeah, probably." He gripped my hand softly and brought it down.

"Go wash your hand before you get something." He smiled and turned around.

"Hey, Nick?" I called and he turned back around.

"Why didn't you text me?" I asked with a simple frown.

"I was knocked out from meds." He chuckled.

"Alright, bye." I waved before walking to my first class.

C O U R A G E ❈ NICK MAYORGAUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum