→ chapter 1;;

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1. the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty,danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.


I slipped in my last earring before admiring my appearance.

Ripped jeans, a small white tee, and a pretty thick jacket because it was going to be chilly tonight.

I brushed through my long and wavy black hair, straightening the last bit of it before I heard my phone buzz in my room.

Jogging from my bathroom into my room, I snatched my phone and read the most recent text.

Kiara; Picking you up in 10 xx

Malibu; Okay, I'll be ready :)

Ready was an understatement, I didn't even have my shoes on, and the most I had in my bag was some dust.

Running to my closet, I grabbed some white vans and snatched a black leather bag.

Stuffing my phone and wallet into the bag, I tried to put my shoes on quickly.

I wasn't quick with this stuff, at all. I wasn't quick with putting on shoes, and I wasn't quick with getting ready.


I took a deep breath as I took a seat with Kiara. Kiara and I weren't that good of friends, but I did enjoy hanging out with her.

"Hey, mind if I go grab some po-" I looked over and Kiara was kissing her boyfriend, Jason.

I waited patiently until they broke it off, just until Kiara began to make out with him.

I awkwardly chuckled and sat up, walking down the bleachers and towards the commission, which was pretty empty other than some other people.

I used to love football games at my old town, but if you were torn away from your childhood school like that, then you wouldn't want to attend games again.

Slipping my arms up onto the metal part of the booth, I peered up at the menu and squinted my eyes.

I always imagine squinting my eyes will make my vision better, but it never does. How weird.

"What can I get you?" An older woman asked, her smile exposing a yellow and rotting set of teeth.

How delightful.

"Can I get a-uh..." I said, before I was pushing over a little.

I was surprised, letting out a small gasp and looking over to my right.

"Watch it." The girl said to me, rudely smacking her lips and chewing on gum.

Her dirty blonde waves were thrown over her shoulder before she looked at me again.

"What are you looking at? Go order somewhere else." She raised her brows, and I scoffed.

Normally, I would just leave it.

But why was this girl being such a bitch? She had no right.

"Excuse me? I was here first." I said softly with a little bit of sass in my deeper voice.

"And now I am here, so back up before I knock you onto your tiny little butt." She said, watching me turn around as I walked away.

"And please at least try to wear something decent? You look like a hobo." She called, and a few group of kids began laughing.

One of them didn't, but I didn't pay attention.

"Lay off the injections." I called, and the kids began a list of 'oooo's.

She turned around on the ball of her heels, the small clicks of her pumps on the stone path.

"Listen, you little inconsiderate junky. You just got here, right? Good, then someone needs to notify you on who you're trying to tell off. I can make your life miserable." She said, her hips jutting out as posed softly.

"Li-" I was beginning to retort to her unnecessary backtalk, before some boy pulled my arm.

"Fuck off, Janice." He called, leading me to the bleachers.

"What are you doing!? I was going to say a good clapback!" I ripped my arm from him, and he laughed.

"Trust me, Janice is pathetic, but we have all learned just to leave her be." He said and I looked back to see her posing for some pictures.

"I really wanted that popcorn." I groaned, turning around and walking towards the bleachers.

"Thanks, by the way." I called, turning my head and seeing him.

"No problem. What's your name?"  He called, and I looked at my hands.

Should I tell him?

Or be that mysterious girl that never te-why the fuck am I debating this, it's a guy, not some foreign prince.

"Malibu." I called back, and he widened his eyes.

"Malibu? That's a pretty cool name. I'm Nick." He put his hand on his chest and I nodded.

"Nice to meet you, Nick." I called and smiled goofily, walking back up to my seat.

Nick. Wow. Rhymes with Dick. Hopefully he doesn't turn out to be like one.

Now I can finally enjoy a football game - in peace.



What is your favorite game snack?

I always went to my sisters' soccer games, mine was always some sort of fruit :)

Meanwhile my sister would always bring skittles to my games lmao

much love <3

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C O U R A G E ❈ NICK MAYORGATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang