→ chapter 14;;

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  1. the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction  


I yawned and looked at the well-cooked plate of eggs and toast with a slice of butter that was slowly melting into the crevices of the toast.

"So what's on your mind?" I heard my mother's deep and raspy voice ring throughout my head.

"Hmm?" I picked my head up and furrowed my freshly-threaded eyebrows, my fingernails tapping on the tile table that reeked of chemicals from my mothers cleaning.

"How's school? Nick?" She asked and I blinked a few times before biting my lip.

"Good, and good." I lied. School was going badly, and I couldn't wait to re-write my report card so my mother couldn't hound on me about my grades.

Nick and I weren't talking much, other than a few glances and exchanges at school, it's like we were just friends.

"You okay? You seem a little bit distracted." My mother flipped her hand and put it to my forehead and held it until I pushed it away softly with a chuckle.

"Just fine, deep thought." I said with a mouthful of toast.

"Hungry aswell, I see." She teased as she ate some apple slices and flipped through her phone.

"Very." I said while stuffing eggs into my mouth.

"So how about homecoming? You haven't gone since Freshman year!" She protested and I grumbled.

"Mom, sitting at home and stuffing potato chips in my mouth and watching Netflix sounds 10x better, don't you think?" I asked and she laughed.

"No, I think you need to get out and make friends, and go with a cute boy! Or girl." She winked and I smacked her leg.

"Hey, just saying, if that's the reason you're not dating...." She teased once again and I groaned. 

"I need to get to school, just because there is a delay doesn't mean I can skip like a rebel." I said as I placed my dirty dishes in the empty sink.

"Wow, our mayonnaise is spoiled!" My mother cringed and I heard the large thump of the can into the trash can.

"Yeah, no kidding." I whispered to myself with horrid memories of biting into those several sandwiches.

Slipping into my bedroom, I got dressed and packed my bag.


Closing my locker, it was merely the end of the day. It went by so fast.

"Hey stranger." I heard the familiar voice that made my muscles relax and my body ache with butterflies.

Taking a mental breath, I turned around and flexed a smile.

"Howdy?" I said awkwardly and he raised a brow and we broke out into laughter.

(literally my social interaction skills in one sentence)

"So, homecoming is coming up...." He smirked and I tensed up, stuffing my books in my bags.

"Yeah, sounds......boring." I said.

Wait, was he going to ask me.

"Oh..." I heard him say with a lower voice.


The anticipation was killing me.

Was he going to ask me?


Homecoming is always a big buzz around me, though I never go because I truly don't care.

It's not that I never get asked, but that is also true, but I just don't see the reason in going to dance with friends when you can just eat a ton of pizza pockets and watch Riverdale.

NO but seriously, I love you guys so freaking much.

It's crazy how my getaway is writing, and I happen to provide it for an amazing crowd, like you guys!

And I hope Nick can see this story, but I know I may never know because he is a "famous" and it's not like he can just hmu and be like 'yooooooo i love the story!' because then people would freak out. That's if I told anybody ;)

- Charissa 

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