👿Born to Die 👿

Start from the beginning

Frank could hear Gerard's yells of protest. Frank felt like complete shit. He made Gerard so hopeless and desperate. He was so worried on what Gerard would do with himself.

"Look, I have no idea who you are to this piece of shit but you need to stop fucking calling. I'm trying to do my job and you're just making it a lot harder," the cop snapped and frank filled with anger.

"Don't fucking talk to him like that!" Frank yelled. "He has already been through enough today and he doesn't need your shit either."

The cop continued to ignore Frank and listened to Gee on the other side of the phone, "Daddy? What the hell? Okay look, kid, don't call again"

Then the cop hung up the phone and kept his phone in the front seat. "Give me my phone back!"

"You won't need it where you are going," the cop had said. It just made Frank that much angrier. But instead of shouting Frank just relaxed in his seat and tried not to think of all the bad things Gee could do out of the spur of the moment.


Frank sat in the cell for a good while. He wasn't actually in a cell where inmates lived just a temporary cell while they figured out what to do with him. The had taken all of his shit and put it into a bowl. Frank was getting more and more terrified each second he was sitting in the cell instead of being with Gerard.

If he were with Gerard right now they'd be cuddling in his bed in the high of after sex while watching a movie Gee wanted to watch. But no, instead he spending the night in the cell. He was tired, but he wouldn't sleep. He wouldn't let himself sleep until he knew the situation.

Frank moved from the bench and just paced around his cell for a while humming the tune of his favorite song. He had no idea what else to do. He knew if he just sat still and got lost in his thoughts he fucking lose it. So this is the best that he has got.

He looked towards the door once it opened. It was a lady cop Frank hadn't met before. He hadn't met many cops, only the ones that drove him here, the one at the front counter, and the one who brought him to this cell.

"You have one call, c'mon," The lady had said. Frank got up and rushed to her. She led him to the phone and gave him a special coin. The phone on a wall. The phone required the special coin to make a call.

The cop is standing next to Frank watching him, making sure he didn't try to leave. He glanced at her and then the phone. He slipped the coin in and contemplated who to call. He wanted to call Gerard so badly, but he knew who he really needed to call to help him get out of this situation.

Frank typed in a number and waited as it rang. He was afraid that he wouldn't pick up since it is so late. His heart jumped when he heard the phone call stop ringing. The person Frank had dialed, answered, "Hello? Who's this?"

Frank took a deep breath in, "Hey, Dad.. I.. I need some help."

"Well couldn't it until morning. What is it? Like 2am? Why are you calling me a 2am, Frank," his dad went on in his sleepy state of mind.

"I'm," Frank took a deep breath before he continued to calm his nerves, "Dad, I'm in jail."

"What?" Frank's Dad said in disbelief.

"I'm calling you from a jail cell and I need you to pay the fine, so I can get out. I'll have to stay for six months if I don't get the fine paid," Frank explained.

"What? Why are you in jail, Frank? What the hell did you do?" Frank's father asked in a confused voice.

"I tried to dine and dash," Frank admitted shamefully.

"You what? What the hell is a 'dine and dash'?" Frank's Dad had said. He was finally coming out of the sleepy state of mind and realizing that his son was actually in jail.

"It's when you eat at a place and then you leave without paying. It's kind of self explainitory, "Frank explained.

"Why would you do that? Why.. why? What is the point?" Frank's Dad said. He didn't sound mad or angry he was just confused and disappointed.

"I tried paying with my credit card, but I didn't get paid my full wage again. I thought I had enough money, but I didn't. I didn't know what else to do, Dad. I was scared and I just tried to run," Frank trailed off.

"How much is it?" Frank's Dad asked.

Frank looked to the lady cop standing next to him, "How much is the fine?"

"2,000 dollars," she said and he thanked her. Frank told his dad the price of his fine.

"Okay that's not much, how 'bout this. I'll pay for it if you come be the CEO of my company here in California."

"Dad, you know I can't do that," Frank says hopelessly.

"Then I guess you'll be in jail for the next six months," His Dad said. Frank knew his dad had a stupid smirk on his face. He knew that his dad knew he was going to win this.

"Dad please, I can't and I really need to get out of here," Frank pleaded.

"I'm sorry, I won't pay that fine until you promise to work with me in California," Frank's Dad said.

There was a long silence. Frank's mind went to Gee. How much Gerard needed him right now. Being in jail won't help anything. If he moved to Cali Gerard could come with him maybe? He couldn't fix anything while sitting in a cell. Frank didn't have a choice.

"Fine," Frank said, "I'll come work for you in California."

Thank you for reading !! I know an early chapter.. that's never happened before! I also pre read the chapter before publishing.. I haven't done that before either !! time for new experiences !
Fin: June 19th, 2018 12:15pm
Pub: June 20th, 2018 10:55pm

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