🤕god knows I tried🤕

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Chapter ten

Frank's pov

Gerard groaned in his sleep as he started to shake. His breathing quickened and he let out a small squeak. I wrapped my arm around his waist protectively. I took his hand in mine and he began to calm down.

I hated the idea of Gerard having nightmares. Especially since it is most likely because of that dirty asshole Josh. I was going to kill him for touching Gee in ways he didn't want to be touched. Let me tell you, it was pretty goddamn hard not to go kick his ass as soon as Gee told me.

I know Gerard needs someone just to be with him right now. He just needed to forget about the events of that night. I couldn't help but blame myself for what had happened. If I just tried a little harder to find Gee or if I apologized before he hung up the phone. No Frank. You aren't going to blame yourself for this. You are going to be there for Gerard and make this right.

I unwrapped myself from Gerard's sleeping form. I carefully got off the couch making sure I didn't wake him up. I jogged up the stairs, went into my room, and grabbed my phone. I looked through the notifications to see I have many miscalls from Mikey and a few unread texts as well.

Shit. He is going to flip his shit once he figures out Gerard is here. He already told me to stay away from Gee. I know he won't have any problem doing again. Oh god, how is he going to react when he figures out that Gerard had been raped while I was supposed to be watching him. I'll never be able to see him again.

I unlocked my phone and went to my messages to see what Mikey texted me.

Mikey: is gerard at your place

Mikey: frank pls answer i'm freaking out

Mikey: answer my calls dammit!

As if it was planned I got a call after reading all of Mikey's texts. What the hell is he going to say? I have to pick up. I can't just not pick up. He is probably worried sick about Gerard. I press the accept button to Mikey's phone call. I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Frank, thank god you picked up. Please say Gerard is at your house," I heard Mikey say through the phone. His voice sounded croaky and desperate.

"Yeah, he is over here. He spent the night and he just fell asleep again," I explained to Mikey.

"Okay, good. I don't know what I would've done if he was gone again. Is he okay?"

No. No Gerard wasn't okay. He was raped because I wasn't watching him well enough. Gerard is having horrible nightmares because he went through a really traumatic experience. He is very very far from okay, and it was all my fucking fault.

"Mikey there is something you should know about Gerard," I said.

"What? What's wrong? Is he hurt?" Mikey rushed out the questions with deep concern.

"He- He-" Was it my secret to tell? Should I let Gerard tell Mikey when he is ready? I know how hard it was for him to tell me about the incident, so would he really appreciate me telling his brother without his consent. Gerard must already feel like he has no control in his life. This is just taking away more and more control.

"He hasn't taken his Anxiety pills in the past few days," I finished.

"Oh fuck, I forgot to give them to him. When he comes home I'll give them to him," Mikey paused. He took a deep breath and then continued, "Frank, look, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just angry and it was spur of the moment-"

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