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Keith was choked till his face was purple until he let out a echoing painful scream. He had to, he kicked Night in the one spot not covered in armor or metal. Night doubled back in pain in her stomach letting out a painful howl grabbing Keith's ankle as he coughed gasping for air. "P-please! Katie fight it.. I know your in there!!" Night grimaced at the name shaking her head side to side "NO! KATIE IS DEAD KEITH! NIGHT IS MORE THAN ALIVE!"

Night felt wetness on her face as she fought Keith, what is this? Tears? You couldn't possibly be in love with this weakling? Night's voice echoed through Pidge's head I am.. he's not weak he's the best damn thing to happen to me!

Night smirked as she swung at Keith successfully hitting him backwards an indent of claw marks on his chest piece "Pidge please! Wake up! Wake up.."

Night let out a menacing laugh her eyes glowing a rapid red instead of it's emerald green "you still really think Katie is in this body?" She charged at Keith with full force pinning him to the ground Keith holding her off weakly with his arms "K-Katie PLEASE FIGHT IT! I...I LOVE YOU!"

Night paused and Pidge took over "K-Keith... Kill me.." she looked at him in the eyes. Green meeting violet eyes


Keith shook his head furiously "I can't!!" Pidge looked at him with trust engraved in her eyes

"trust me.."

As Katie was impaled she looked back a Keith with a weak smile "thank you.. I'll be back.."

All that was heard was a thud and the whimpers of a warrior who had to kill the one he loved the most.

Crimson blood dripped down Keith's Sword as he whimpered like a lost child. He had impaled Katie where she told him to, in here chest where her toxin heart laid. The crimson river of blood ran down her side onto the ground dripping off the ledge.

Keith screamed out wishing he was the one dead he held her close to his chest.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I loved you sooner, I'm sorry you had to die, I'm sorry you became a monster.."

A light was rising from her chest and the Ultrean marks illuminated Keith's face

"I told you I would be back~"

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now