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Liora never fit in, in a city of tall, willowy fishermen and farmers, the short, stubborn performer always felt out of place. While other kids her age were learning the family trade, Liora was practicing her handstands and cartwheels. Instead of learning to cook and clean with the other village girls, she was taught how to juggle. Her case wasn't helped as she always looked like a child compared to the tall population of the village. Standing at 5'4" she always seemed a dwarf in the town where the average height was 5'8". None of the children were allowed to play with her so her childhood was lonely. Performers were looked down upon for their nomadic ways and tendency to be obsessed with shiny things.

For Liora however, the performers were the best thing to ever happen to her. She was orphaned at the age of 3, her parent's death the product of a wild forest fire and the performers were the only people willing to take her in. She was taught at an early age the benefits of independence and self-sufficiency. Now, she was known throughout the performer camp as Liora the Lion for her bravery and the long mane of frizzy golden hair that framed big, dark green eyes that looked feline in shape.

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