Chapter 15

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Once again, I wake up in the infirmary. And once again, John is right next to me; though this time he is sleeping. I feel bandages around my hands, feet, knees, elbows, well; frankly everywhere.

When I move my hand, I feel a deep, burning sensation that goes down into my bones. I open my mouth to scream but all that comes out is a tiny painful croak that hurts more than my hand. I think that I got burned but what happened to my lungs? Oh yeah, the smoke... I thought I had a towel on my face... Wait.

Airre! What happened to my dragon? Did she get hurt? Did she die? Where's my dragon? I start to hyperventilate and the ache starts to migrate, travel towards my lungs until it hurts to take a breath. Yet I still am breathing and each painful gulp of air is a startling reminder of the fact that I am still alive.

John starts to wake up and I gesture rapidly with my hands. The pain is still there but is nothing like the pain in my lungs.

"Wait a minute, wait, wait." John holds up his hands. "What?"

I end up using my bad acting skills to get my point across. Somehow, through a lot of grunting, groaning, and frustration on my part; John figures out that I want my dragon. He looks at me with a sad frown and my heart breaks.

"Liora, Airre was seriously burned in the fire and was bleeding out when we found her. She's been in a coma since we got her out of the building and hasn't shown signs of waking up soon. I'm sorry."

Why was he saying sorry? Was it his fault? Did he start the fire? Was it him? No, John wouldn't do that. Would he?

'Liora,' John's voice sounds thin and strained 'Airre is still alive. Let's count our blessings that she didn't die.' I guess he's right but... Airre is still not awake! I want to hold my dragon! But I can't.

My heart feels like it's been stepped on and then run over by a herd of horses for good measure. I feel more than hear John leave and tears start to flow down my cheeks and my eyes close, drawn by some invisible force. The last thing I hear is a voice in my head that sounds like Airre.

'I love you Liora.' And then, at last, there is peace in my head.

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