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-Ash's P.O.V-

"Ughhh." I groan flopping onto my bed, "I'm bored."
"I know." Emerald says, "You've been complaining about it all day. Go outside and practice or something."
"That requires going outside." I say
"You're gonna have to at some point." She says, "We have to teach Scott and Callum how to use their powers."
"Ughhhh." I groan again, "Why can't we be normal, not magical, people?"
"I've been wondering that all my life." She says
"Am I interrupting something?" Sam asks
"No." We both say in unison.
"Ok, well, we should probably teach Callum and Scott how to use their powers. The sooner the better." He says
"Yeah, we know." I say
"We can do it now." Emerald says, "I just need to get my girlfriend to stop being a lazy ass."
"Ok, we'll meet you in the yard." He says
"Come on." Emerald says, "We have to go."
"Fiiine." I say getting up. We head out to the back yard where the other 3 are waiting for us. "I really didn't miss training sessions." Sam says
"Me neither." I say, "Let's just hurry up and do this."

-Emerald's P.O.V-

They're so close to being able to merge with the shadows/beams of light when hundreds of X's minions emerge from the forest.
"Oh fuck." Ash says, her fire wings stretch across her back. Sam's lightning wings appear, he takes off into the air. I grab Callum and Scott by the wrists and become invisible.
"Stay here." I say, I because visible again and rush to help Ash. Callum and Scott because visible again.
"That's a problem." Sam says
"Scott!" There's a beam heading towards Scott. Ash puts a fire shield around him.
"Jesus jubilee, that was close." He says, Sam hits one if the minions out of the air with one of his lightning bolts.
"Aye, I still got it." He says
"You've fine better." Ash jokes, she stomps lighting the ground on fire, it makes its way to where the minions are and grows to be 5 times bigger than it was before.
"Show off." Sam says rolling his eyes. Ash turns into a fox and runs at one of the minions. She opens her mouth and bites down in its arm, her fiery fangs sinking into his skin. While it's distracted I pin it down with some vines. Sam finishes it off. I turn to a group of minions. I trap them in a cocoon of vines. Ash lights it on fire. We clear out more minions, until there's only a couple left.
"Callum!" Scott shouts, I turn to put up a shield but it's too late. He gets struck in the side and falls. I motion for Sam to go see if he's ok. They send another beam at Scott. I stand in front of him, cross my arms in front of my face and absorb the hit. They send another beam but I don't have time to react. It hits me and everything goes black.

-Callum's P.O.V-

I wake up, a sharp pain shoots through my side. I look around, I'm in some sort of glass cell, it's long and skinny, sorta like a giant test tube. I see a girl (Technically, she's like 20 but what am I supposed to say? Woman? Female specimen? You see my problem right?) with blue hair asleep in a cell that looks like mine, her's is fill with liquid. That's Rain. I think to myself, I look and see a boy (same problem) with brown hair asleep in a cell full of liquid, Rico. There's a loud banging. I look to see Ash slamming against the side of her tube/cell. A man walks in followed by a small girl.
"Don't try to escape." He says, he turns to the girl behind him, "Ivy, why don't we show the lady what happens when you try to escape."
"Yes Master." She mumbles, she gives Ash an apologetic look and presses a button. 2 cuffs made of water appear around Ash's wrist, she gasps in pain.
"What do want?" Emerald demands
"You E.X.s never learn, do you?" He says, "I just want your powers." He looks over at Scott, then at me, "You 2 are new." He walks over to us, "Shadow and Solar I presume?" The girl, Ivy, nods, "Solar seems to be injured. Why don't treat them, I'll be back later." I can tell 'treating my injuries' is gonna me more painful then the injuries themselves. As soon as he walks out, Ivy presses a button releasing Ash from the cuffs.
"Sorry." She says quietly, "I would help you guys escape but you won't get far while Solar is hurt."
"Why would you help us escape?" Ash asks rubbing her wrists.
"Because I hate it here." She says, "See those people over there? That liquid keeps them asleep but they shock them every once in a while just for fun." She presses a button which opens my cell. She motions for me to step out. She lifts up the side of my shirt revealing where I got hit.
"Yeah, that looks bad." Ash says
"This might hurt." She says, she puts some sort of gel on it making me wince, "Sorry." She wraps a bandage around my stomach and gives me a new shirt. Everyone looks away while I put it on. She motions for me to go back in my cell.
"IVY!" Someone yells from down the hall.
"I have to go." She says, "I'll be back tomorrow." She leaves and all the lights go out leaving us in complete darkness.

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