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-Scott's P.O.V-

I look around and see a girl with short, red and orange hair that sorta looks like Callum's. Next to her is a slightly shorter girl with green hair that had the occasional streak of teal and darker green.
"Hey guys!" Ash says walking over to us. Ash, Era, Callum and I were best friends in high school, but when we went to college, we drifted apart.
"Oh my glob, it's been so long." Era says, we all nod.
"We should get going." I say, Era and Scarlet grab their suitcases and we all head out.

-Ash's P.O.V-

We're in Scott's car. Scott and Callum are in the front while Emmy and I are in the back.
"So, anything new with you guys?" Scott asks
"Not really." Emerald says, "I'm not forever alone, checkmate life."
"You have a boyfriend?" Callum asks
"Don't act so surprised." She laughs, "Girlfriend actually."
"Who?" Scott asks
"Hey." I say
"Her." She says pointing to me.
"Aww, congrats." Scott says, "I'm still alone forever."
"Thanks. B.t.dubs, congrats on coming out." Emerald says
"It's been a while since I've heard b.t.dubs." Callum says
"So how long have you and Era-"
"Emerald." She corrects, "I don't go by Era anymore."
"Sorry." Callum says, "So how long have you been dating?" Her asks me because I'm the person who keeps track of that kind of stuff.
"2 years, 10 months and 14 days." I say, before Callum can say anything that ground shakes. We all hold onto something tightly.
"What the heck?" Scott asks when it stops, it starts to rain heavily, "I know it's England and everything, but this rain wasn't in the forecast for today." Emerald and I both look at each other and shrug. I feel my eyes grow heavy and before I know it, I fall asleep.

-The Next Morning-Emerald's P.O.V-

"Morning." I say walking out into the living room, "It's still raining?"
"Yup." Callum says, "Welcome to England." (Quick thing, I've never been to England but I hear it rains a lot. Someone correct me if I'm wrong)

-Scott's P.O.V/Dream Thing-

"Servant!" A voice yells, a small girl scurries into the room.
"Y-Yes master?" She asks sounding scared.
"What do you have for me today?" The voice asks
"E.X. Stormy and E.X. Rocky are still stable." She says
"And the targets?" The voice asks
"E.X. Ashes and E.X. Era have moved their locations but we located them with what seems to be 2 new E.X.s." She says, "E.X. Bolt's position hasn't changed."
"What can the new ones do?" The voice asks
"One is darkness and the other is light." She says
"And what are they're labels?" It asks
"E.X. Solar and E.X. Shadow." She says
"Thank you servant." It says, "Dismissed."

I wake up.

-???'s P.O.V-

Images play through my head, they all look familiar. The first image is of a girl surrounded my fire. Her eyes are wild and tame at the same time. Ashley. The second one is of a girl surrounded by vines, every once and a while she disappears, then reappears again. I can tell she has 2 names, but I can only remember 1. Era. There's one of a boy standing on a rain cloud. Sam. There's one of a boy in complete darkness. The image doesn't make me remember any names. The next is of a boy in a very lit up room. Again, no names. There's one of a boy on a giant boulder. Rico. The last one is a girl surrounded by water. Rain.
"Good, get your memory back." Someone says, I don't know where it's coming from or who's voice it is, "My little droplet."

-Callum's P.O.V-

I think about my dream last night. Who is E.X. Solar? Why does that name sound so familiar? My thoughts get interrupted by Scott.
"Hello? Earth to Callum." He waves his hand in front of my face, "Pancakes or waffles? Say waffles, we're out of pancake mix."
"Waffles I guess." I say
"What's on you mind?" He asks as I sit down.
"I just had a weird dream last night." I say
"Me too." He says, "Most dreams are weird though." I nod. A huge flash of lightning strikes but instead of disappearing, it stays put. Emerald and Ash come running out of their room. The both stare at the sky.
"Bolt." They day at the same time.
"Bolt?" Scott asks, "Who's Bolt?" I remember the name Bolt from my dream.
"Around that topic, do you guys know anyone named Stormy, Rocky, Ashes, Solar and Shadow?" I ask
"Also, do you know any other Eras?" Scott adds.
"Solar and Shadow?" Emerald asks, she looks at Ash, "I haven't heard of Solar and Shadow."
"Have you heard of the other ones?" Scott asks, Ash nods.
"We gonna deal with the lightning now or what?" Ash asks Emerald.
"Oh, right." She says, they both step outside. I giant vine appears, at the top, it's on fire. It stops raining and the lightning disappears. The both step back inside, completely dry.
"Can you explain who all the people who's names were randomly in our dreams are?" Scott asks. They look at each other, having a conversation out of just facial expressions and hand movements.
"Yeah." Ash says, we sit down and they start to explain.

The Magic in my VeinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon