Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry for the major delay in the update and also for this short chapter, but I've been having my progressive tests at school and also my modern jazz exam in which I had four days to learn the syllabus! Please vote and comment for it and thank you so much for staying with me for so long and for being so patient with me. :D I'm still dedicating the chapters to my loyal readers so please identify yourselves to me by voting and commenting! :D Picture of Luna Merlin on the side. :D

Chapter 4

                Troy stared in horror as Kayla collapsed. Moving like they were one person, he and Tamarak sprang into action, catching her before her head struck the tent floor. Carefully, they lowered her down to the floor, terror mirrored on both of their faces. Out of all of them, Troy had never seen Kayla look very tired before, much less faint.

                “What happened to her?” Dahlia asked shakily, still staring at Kayla’s stationary body and watching the weak rise and fall of her chest.

                But Sapphire had already turned away from her best friend and was moving towards Raven’s equally still form. Luna scrambled backwards out of the way to give her some more space, a hopeful expression on her face. If anyone could heal Raven, it would be Sapphire.

                Sapphire and Tamarak both looked worn out, like they had been in a continual rush. Sapphire’s blonde bob was tangled like she hadn’t combed it in days. She was wearing muddy, blood-splattered jeans and an oversized T-shirt. The combination was very different from her previous old-fashioned but stylish clothes. Tamarak’s dark brown hair had been cut short; he had used to have it shaggy but he had snipped it all off before the Battle of Avalon. It resembled an army haircut which was exactly what it was.

                “What do we do with Kayla?” Tamarak asked his girlfriend.

                “I can’t help her now,” Sapphire said, kneeling down. “Put her aside and out of reach of the poison. Then come and help me, but do keep quiet.”

                Together, Troy and Tamarak dragged Kayla’s prone body to the side of the tent. She was heavier than most weights that Troy was used to lifting- meaning Dahlia. Kayla was not fat; her body was almost entirely compromised of muscle. It was difficult to just leave her there, but if Sapphire thought that Raven was more important, especially since Kayla was Sapphire’s best friend, that was that.

                “Catch the poison, Luna,” Sapphire told her, before turning back to Raven without another word.

                Each time Sapphire had done some important healing, especially for fatal wounds, she had chanted an incantation in the ancient language. The ancient language was an outlet for commands that every magician knew. It helped them to focus their power more specifically on whatever they wanted to do. This time, Sapphire did not fail them; she sang the song she almost always used to otherwise mortal wounds.

                “Szol, szol, lhayi, szol rhugal dhiy luyi,” she intoned. (Heal, heal, make her strong, heal the poison with my song)

                Luna grabbed a large silver vase from its place next to her desk and emptied the pure white lilies out and onto the floor. Dahlia, unable to think of leaving the flowers there to die, scooped them up and laid them on the table on top of Luna’s map on the ornate desk.

                When Sapphire spoke, yellow smoke puffed out of Raven’s mouth. Troy, Dahlia and Tamarak gaped in amazement, but Luna lunged forward and caught it in her vase.

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