About The Projects #AutismPride / #AutismPrideProject

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My project for April is to get Wattpad to donate to an Autism organization by using the tag #AutismPride. First we need to get Wattpad to notice this tag. The tag to get Wattpad to notice this idea should be #ProjectAutismPride The idea came from @EpicAutistic Let's make this happen. Please help me with this project. It would meam so much to Autistic people if you helped with this project.

Here's how to help with this project. Tag other Autistic people in the comment section so they'll see the project. Ask their permssion first before you tag them. You can spread the project around the forums. You cam also spread the word on other social media sites. You can use the tags #AutismPride #AutismPrideProject when you spread the word about the project. Also you can spread the word about the project on forums on other social media sites. Autistic people are allowed to help in the project as well as non Autistic people. I need help with this project. The more help the better. This project is going to take time. All projects do. 

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