A Day Around Town

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~Will's POV~
It's the day after Graser and I robbed Parker, we were heading into town with the stuff we stole. We continued walking through the forest until we reached the huge wall that went around the kingdom. We walked along the wall a little ways until we reached the tall pine tree that we always use to get over the wall.

Graser gave me a leg up, I climbed up the tree a little ways and went over to the branch that had the rope on it. I tied one end of the rope to the branch and tossed the other end down to Graser. He began climbing up, and when he was close enough, I reached out and helped him onto the branch and we placed the rope back on the branch were no one would see it.

We continued to climb up the tree until we were at the top. I carefully walked along the branch that went over the wall and took a deep breath. I carefully jumped off the branch and landed on the top of the wall. I turned around and saw Graser on the edge of the branch looking at me as if to say 'do I jump now?' I nodded and he jumped off the branch and I caught him and place him onto the wall. We then walked  on the wall for a minute and went over to the house we always use to get in and out of the village.

We jumped onto the roof and slid down to the edge. We jumped off the roof and onto the small balcony and walked into the house. We walked into the bedroom and a girl with short, mint green hair was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room knitting. She was wearing a knitted frog hat, a long, pale green dress and dark green shoes. She looked up from what she was doing and looked at us and smiled.

"Hey Ash, how are you?" I asked. She put her knitting needles down and walked up to us, pulling us into a hug. "Hey, I'm good but I haven't seen you guys in so long? Were have you been?" She asked. "We were out 'shopping' to make sure that you and everyone else didn't get sent to prison for not paying taxes." Graser said, using the term we use for stealing.

I reached into my satchel and took out a little bag of coins that would pay for her taxes and handed it to her. "Thank you guys, this really does mean a lot to me, and I'm sure everyone else in the village feels the same." She said, pulling us into another hug. "Where are your roommates? Are they here?" I asked. She nodded. "Yup, they are downstairs." She told us. We thanked her and went downstairs.

We walked into the kitchen and a girl with long, dark, purple hair was baking pastries, cakes, cookies, and pies. She was wearing a short, violet dress with a cooking apron on and brown shoes with small, purple flowers on them. "Hey Britt, how are the pastries coming along?" I asked. She turned around and smiled when she saw us. She put the hot cupcake tray that she was holding down, and walked over to us and gave us a hug. "Oh my goodness, it's so nice to see you two again. And the baking is coming along fine, it's the part about selling them that's the problem." She explained.

Because of the shortage of money, people can't really afford anything. "We're sorry to hear that, would it be okay if we took some for the road?" Graser asked. "Of course you can have some, help yourself!" She said motioning towards the many baked goods displayed on every surface in the kitchen. "Don't mind if i do!" Graser said as he grabbed a pastry off the cooling rack and bit into it. "Ow, it's hot!" He said as he took it out of his mouth and took a sip of water to cool down his tongue.

I laughed and reached into my satchel, and pulled out another little bag and a few extra coins and handed them to Britt. "Here, for your taxes and for putting up with the bottomless pit," I said looking in Graser's direction. "Hey!" He said with a mouthful of sweets. I laughed at how silly he was. "Will, I can't take the extra coins, I'll take the amount I need and you take the rest," she said as she tried to hand the extra coins back. I shook my head and smiled. "Consider it as a payment for your delicious treats." I told her and she nodded.

"Where's your other roommate, we have to give her money as well." I asked. "She should be outside in the the back." She said. I thanked her and after what felt like forever, I got Graser out of the kitchen and we went to the back door and went outside. We went into the back and a girl with long, fire red hair was tending to the animals and plants. She was wearing a long white sleeve shirt and black shorts, a bunch of rainbow bracelets on her wrists, and small silver boots.

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