Kara stood motionless, wide-eyed and slack jawed as Lena fought back her tears and kissed Kara's cheek before running down the stairs and to her car.

What have I done?


Lena had just reached her penthouse when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took it out, pleading to any and all deities that it was Kara telling her that she chose her, but when she looked at her phone, she remembered exactly why she didn't believe in a higher power... Every time she prayed for something, it never worked out.

It was a notification from Facebook... informing her that Kara Z Danvers was now in a relationship with Dustin Miller... And with that, her heart imploded.


It'd been over a week since Kara and Lena had spoken, and every day Lena stalked her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram... She knew it was incredibly unhealthy, but she couldn't help it; she needed a glimpse of Kara, and if she couldn't get it in person, she would have to settle for pixels on a screen.

Her life sucked without Kara. There was no giggling, no donuts, no cheeseburgers, no gorgeous sapphire eyes and luscious golden locks to take her breath away... All there was, was paperwork, conference meetings, and Jess informing her of her next appointment.

There was no happiness.

There were no smiles.

There was just endless work, and endless drinking.

It was five o'clock on a Wednesday evening when she opened up Kara's Facebook page for the first time that day (She'd focused on her Twitter and Instagram because she didn't have to see 'In a Relationship with Dustin Miller' on those), and her heart froze at what she saw... Her relationship status had changed.

Kara Z Danvers

-I like Potstickers and Puppies! :-)
Reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media
Lives in: National City, California
From: Midvale, California

Lena wanted to message her, to ask her what had happened to Dustin, but she couldn't. She'd told the blonde that she'd give her space, and it seemed as though Kara was taking her up on that offer, so she would have to sit back and wait for Kara's next move.

If she were honest, she would just admit to herself that she knew what was coming next:

Kara would visit her at the office one day. She'd tell Lena that she was sorry for taking so long to stop by. Then ask her to sit so they could have a chat, and then once she had Lena next to her on the big white office couch, she'd take off her glasses, look her dead in the eye, and tell Lena all the reasons why she didn't want to be with her... One of which, would undoubtedly be that her last name was Luthor.

She may then go on to tell Lena that she 'needed time apart' from Lena to get her thoughts in order... which would turn into Kara never speaking to her again, and Lena would forever be left a brokenhearted Luthor left all alone for the rest of her miserable existence.

She would never get to show Kara about her tissue regeneration nanotechnology she'd created to help Kryptonians keep their loved ones with them throughout their entire Alien-length lives... Which would be able to help Kara to stop worrying so much about her loved ones when she's in combat.

She would never get to hug, touch, kiss, or hold Kara ever again... She'd never even get to speak to her again, and it was all because she let Alex get her to believe that Kara's confusion was more than just that... Confusion.

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